In the United States, most of us get Monday off to celebrate Labor Day and all that hard work that we all do every other day of the year. “Off” is relative, of course, because I will be “working” at my sewing machine with my podcast friends, Tweeps and other bloggers.
We are all participating in a Labor Day Sew-in. You can, too. Get those fuzzy slippers and get to your sewing machine. Nowhere to go, no supplies to collect, just get to your sewing machine and sew. In your own house.
Quiltin’ Jenny has a hilarious post (she was first) about the LDSI. Very Lazy Daisy (who is nowhere near lazy, BTW) also put a post up accompanied by the hilarious tweet:

Other pod-bloggers who have posted about the sew in (some of whom are hosting giveaways):
- Sandy at Quilting for the Rest of Us – @SandyQuiltz
- Jackie at Sew Excited Quilts – @SewExcitedQuilt
- Pam posted a new podcast episode – 90 minutes long! What a bonanza!
- I’ll add to this list as I see/hear of other posts
I took yesterday off as I was trying to piggyback an extra day off onto the long weekend to pretend I had a vacation. I still have errands and stuff to do today, but am already making some progress.
What’s on my list?
- ATCs – I need them for next week.
- Purse Palooza bag – don’t want to leave it until the last minute and I am considering making a second one.
- Color challenge? Possible, but unlikely, though I did make the batiks.
- Russian Rubix – I’d like to get started on that, but am having trouble selecting a background fabric.
- There is an idea in the back of my mind to quilt the Wonky 9 Patch quilt. We’ll see how that goes.
Want to follow along?
- First and FOREMOST: Sew!!!
- Post a blog post with your list and link back here
- Use the #LDSI hashtag on Twitter (let’s trend on Twitter, Tweeps!)
- Not yet a Tweep? Follow along in the LDSI room at Tweetchat
Now go Sew!