Materials 100% cotton fabric 100% cotton thread 100% Perl cotton glass & plastic beads Techniques Machine raw edge applique’ Hand embroidery Beading Machine quilting Details: Year: 2009-2014 Size: 22.25″ x 14.25″ Fabric: various scraps Quilted By: Jaye Lapachet Story This is another quilt begun in a class with Pamela Allen. It is an idealized view … Continue reading “Beach Town”
Yes, boys and girls, I finally finished Beach Town. You can read about starting it in the post about the Pamela Allen class from last year. I liked looking at the piece in that post (one of the things I LOVE about blogging!), because I could see the differences including all of the handwork I … Continue reading “Beach Town Finished!”
Last Saturday and Sunday, I had a lot of time for the first time in several weekends to work on quilt projects and I completely tanked in that department. Most of the time I sat around and couldn’t figure out what to do. I thought about making another giveaway for OWOH, but was talked out … Continue reading “Beach Town Finishing”
We bought Tivo recently and it has revolutionized my world. Last night, while I was alone, I went downstairs to catch up on some shows, and brought Beach Town with me. With the show quilts off and the Flowering Snowball still in waiting mode, I thought it would be a good opportunity to make some … Continue reading “Beach Town Update”
I spent 10 hours in my workroom on Sunday. I spent most of it machine quilting Beach Town. The piece is relatively small, so I was surprised that it took so much work. The really surprising thing is that I have more machine quilting to go! It was surprising, because I thought I did most … Continue reading “Beach Town Progress”
A friend on FB asked me to post Beach Town. As you regular readers know, I get around to posting everything eventually and this past week has been a bit of a challenge. I wondered whether I should post this on Monday to give you more days to look at, but eventually decided just to … Continue reading “Beach Town Progress”
On my way back from a recent trip, I saw some quilt art in the airport. Yes this was my first airline trip since 2019. I actually don’t remember my last airline trip. I am always pleased when textiles get their day in the sun. While the Phoenix airport is not the Met, it is … Continue reading “Airport Art”
Yep. It’s true. I have finished the Under the Sea piece after many years of working on it. I can hardly believe it. I am so thrilled that I have one hand project that is finally done. Granted, I could have just said “this is done” and moved on, but projects speak to me and … Continue reading “Under the Sea Pillow FINISHED!”
What’s Your Oldest UFO? was the question of the day at guild last week. I had to confess** to the Self Portrait. I started this piece in a class with Pamela Allen in 2006. The class was great, I learned a lot and finished two other pieces, Flower Garden and Beach Town from that class. … Continue reading “What’s Your Oldest UFO?”
Earlier this year we went, again, to the North Coast. While there, we visited a restaurant called the Lost Coast Brewery. It had excellent food, including a gluten free menu. There was a bit of a hippie feel to it and part of that was the decoration. They had some kind of sculptural device that … Continue reading “Year of the Dragon”
It has been awhile since I was able to attend a CQFA Retreat – 2 years, I think. I was so thrilled to be able to attend the current retreat, which was held over Mother’s Day weekend. Isn’t that a great Mother’s Day gift?? As a bonus, I sewed so much! I feel like I … Continue reading “Retreat Review”
The Primal Green 2 show is up at the Main Branch of the San Francisco Public Library. This is a follow up to the previous show. My friend, the environmental librarian, asked us to do the show again.A lot of the same parameters were applied to this show that we created for the last show. … Continue reading “Primal Green 2”
Patterns and Blocks Camille Roskelly posted about Market and included some info about a new Scraps Inc book. She contributed a quilt, parts of which look like inside out Flying Geese. Starting in January, you can help raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and get a quilt pattern. Read about it on Camille Roskelley’s … Continue reading “Various & Sundry 2014 #14”
The CQFA Meeting was last Saturday and it was great. As you know, I haven’t been in awhile and I was so glad to see my art quilt pals. Julie, Dolores and Maureen did a presentation on color. The presentation was called “Why Your Stash Needs to Be Bigger.” 😉 I am not going to … Continue reading “CQFA Meeting”
This post is a companion to the Quilting…for the Rest of Us podcast episode on Balance. As a reminder, the general design definition that we are using is: Design is a problem solving activity within all the arts, placing or creating subject matter so it is of visual significance and interesting to the artist. (from … Continue reading “Design Series: Balance”