Another quilt class attempt

Saturday CQFA had a members only workshop on design with Liz Berg. She was a good teacher. Informative, fun, well prepared. I thought I was insane to try another design class from a quilt teacher after I signed up for this one, but it turned out fine. She wasn’t familar with Pentak & Lauer’s Design Basics book, but I was still impressed with her teaching.

She went over the basics of design – line, value, etc and then had us do exercises. Some of the exercises were similar to the ones we did in the other class I took, but they made more sense this time, because of the preparation.

One thing she said was to keep a sketchbook. Her sketchbook has magazine cut outs in in it as well as her own doodles and drawings. I am going to try to at least condense my doodles and drawings, but I may have to just do them in my journal as I can’t imagine carring a sketchbook as well as a journal. Still, I did get the cool sketchbook with colored pencils for Christmas so perhaps I will have to.

I would recommend her as a teacher. I’ll post some of my exercises later. See Liz Berg’s work at

Carrie Bryan’s Blog

Carrie Bryan has started a quilt and garden blog, While mostly about her garden and some quilting, she has a very good, recent post about God on it. Not one for the general, superficial God-chumminess that people seem to have these days, I was surprised to find a thoughtful and thought provoking post.

Her blog is quite new and there is a post about her recent quilt thoughts on it as well. I like Carrie’s descriptions of her garden.