Ends 11/16/2011
I received the following in my inbox this morning and thought I would pass it along. I bought a grab bag and will give them as gifts, if I don’t want to keep the books. I have to say that the hardest part of the transaction was entering my credit card number! It went so quickly and smoothly. The text below is copied and pasted directly from Judy Martin’s email.
No affiliation and I am not getting paid to post this!
“Greetings quilters,
Just in time for Christmas, we’re bringing back the Grab Bag Quilt Book Surprise. We haven’t done it for a few years, so it seemed like a good idea. Here’s a summary of the details. Please read all the way to the bottom before clicking through.
First off, this offer will expire at 4:00 PM Central Standard Time on November 16, 2011. If the latest winter storm knocked out your power, and you didn’t get this newsletter until the 17th, sorry. Or if your spam filter delayed this newsletter until it was too late, sorry again. These things are always a ton of hard work, and we have to have a firm cut-off date so we can get back to things like working on new books.
The price is $25 plus shipping and handling. For that you will get 3 books with a total current retail value of at least $40.85, but it might be as much as $83.85! In practical terms, it means you are guaranteed to get at least one of our full-price books (Scraps, Judy Martin’s Log Cabin Quilt Book, Stellar Quilts, or Patchwork Among Friends). You are guaranteed a savings of at least $15.85. All 8 of my current books will be made available for this deal. And we will send out at least one order that has all 3 of our $27.95 books. At least one lucky quilter is going to hit the quilt book jackpot!
Specific requests will not be honored. Every book shipped will be randomly selected. We can’t promise you won’t get a book you already own. If you do, you now have an inexpensive Christmas present for your best quilting friend!
We can’t promise that you will get different titles. You might get 3 of the same book or 3 different books or 2 of one title and 1 of another. If you receive duplicate books, you can give them away as gifts to your quilting friends. After all, giving is as much fun as receiving, and it’s more emotionally satisfying.
This offer is open to customers all over the globe. We are limiting it to 1 order per customer.
Special shipping rates will apply on orders outside the US. We sometimes lose money on foreign shipping, but we make enough on the books that we can ignore that fact. At this greatly discounted price, we can’t afford to lose money on the shipping.
In the United States shipping for the 3 books by Media Mail is $7, plus $1 for any additional books ordered. Shipping by Priority Mail is $10, plus $1 for any additional books ordered.
In Canada shipping for the 3 books is $16. We cannot ship any additional books with a Grab Bag Quilt Book Surprise when we ship to Canada because it would push the weight over 4 pounds and cause the shipping rate to go sky high.
For all other countries shipping for the 3 books is $30. We cannot ship any additional books with a Grab Bag Quilt Book Surprise when we ship to foreign addresses because it would push the weight over 4 pounds and cause the shipping rate to go sky high.
We normally ship within 24 hours of receiving your order. Because of the volume of orders, it will take us several days to get all the Grab Bag Quilt Book Surprises out the door. Needless to say, we’re going to work as hard as we can to get all the orders shipped as quickly as possible. If the volume of orders is particularly heavy, some orders may not be shipped until after Thanksgiving weekend (November 24-27).
This is meant to be fun, so have some fun. Let the joy of receiving a surprise sweep over you. Anyone who wishes to complain about getting 3 good quilt books for $25 plus shipping will be repelled at the gates!
If you think this sounds like fun, share it with your quilting friends. And be sure to tell them you were in on this info first because you subscribe to my newsletter. Encourage them to join the “in crowd” by signing up for the newsletter themselves.
To order go here:
If the link gets truncated and doesn’t work, go to judymartin.com, click on Books and then on Grab Bag Quilt Book Surprise. Have fun!
Judy Martin
info@judymartin.com ”