Google will be removing FeedBurner from its suite of products. I don’t know when. They sent me an email some time ago and I thought I would deal with it later. Well, it is later, unfortunately.
This means that if you get an email from this blog every morning, you will need to make some changes. I have begun subscribing people on the list. I suspect you will get a message asking you to verify your subscription. If you don’t want to have to do the whole process yourself, click the verification link. Otherwise, there are two ways to make the change:
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I know this is a hassle. Blame and complain to Google. I appreciate your patience.
Projects, Classes, Patterns & Tutorials
Moda Blockheads #3 has an archive of all the blocks, the blog posts and the instructions. What a great idea! Thanks to Cyndi W.
Crafty Gemini has a new, free mesh tote bag video tutorial. If you need something for wet bathing suits, this is your bag.
My mom told me about a Missouri Star Triple Play video she watched. She loved the special surprise in the middle of the video. I liked that segment as well, but I REALLY loved Natalie’s version of their Missouri Star quilt. It is a small Missouri Star block in a large Missouri Star block. I think what I really like about it is the True Kisses by Heather Bailey fabric she used. I might have to make a block to see if I want to make a quilt. They use a perfect trimmer**, which I have never seen before. I may need to try one.
It is worth checking on this NY Times article on crafts, What We Learned from a Year of Crafting, for the following quote “And the qualities that craft teaches — resourcefulness, resilience, flexibility — were much needed in a year filled with so much uncertainty and loss….”. It talks about crafting during the pandemic, how it took off, the benefits, how people returned. A great acknowledgment of something many of us do on a daily basis.
Check out Friend Julie’s Cornucopia post. Lots of interesting links to follow.
Books, Fabrics, Notions & Supplies
Check out the Remarkable Rainbow Block Resizer from Tartankiwi. The Remarkable Rainbow Resizer is a simple table which will allow you to increase or decrease the size of a wide variety of blocks.
Articles, Exhibitions and Shows
Check out the crocheted coral reef.
I really like Joanne Sharpe’s work. Take a look at her website.
**I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.