Dream Projects #8

I have been thinking about dream projects a lot lately. The last time I wrote on this subject was in September 2017. It is always interesting for me to look at this list and see if I still want to work on the projects Art Institute of Chicago Fusible Applique’ (Ticker Tape Style) Quilt Status: … Continue reading “Dream Projects #8”

Book Review: Material Obsessions

Material Obsession: Modern Quilts with Traditional Roots by Kathy Doughty Material Obsession is one of the first books written by Kathy Doughty. This one is co-authored by Sarah Fielke and has a foreword by Kaffe Fassett. Great credentials! The cover quilt is a good start as the quilt depicted is inspirational and VERY appealing. It … Continue reading “Book Review: Material Obsessions”

Stealing Daisy’s Thunder

As usual, I was #podcastdeliquent, but was resolved to make some progress so I listened to some podcasts interspersed with the book, Jane Steele. I had to intersperse the podcasts, because the beginning of Jane Steele was so dark* that I was feeling depressed. One of the podcasts to which I listened was Lazy Daisy … Continue reading “Stealing Daisy’s Thunder”

Dream Projects #6

The last time I wrote about all of the new and exciting projects swirling around in my head was in 2015. Time flies when you are having fun. Art Institute of Chicago Fusible Applique’ Quilt Status: Dream state Pattern: Original Fabric: Turquoise and red, mainly, but other colors for the leaves and flowers, perhaps Steps: … Continue reading “Dream Projects #6”

Various & Sundry 2016 #11

Doing Good The Orlando Modern Quilt Guild updated their meeting minutes and included a detailed description of their Pulse Project. The scale of the project is mind boggling. I am amazed at what they have accomplished. They also posted some photos of the first distribution on the OrMQG Instagram feed. If you want an ongoing … Continue reading “Various & Sundry 2016 #11”


I made these napkins yesterday. I had cut them out a few weeks ago. I took the opportunity to test the 9k by sewing them. I bought the Philip Jacobs fabric for a dress. Aren’t those flowers gorgeous? Unfortunately, upon closer inspection I thought the melons and pineapples were inappropriate, especially if placement of those … Continue reading “Napkins”

Finishing the Tuffet

As you may remember, I had a lot of work to do on the tuffet at home in between classes. With some drama, but not major drama, I got the tuffet top together except for the drawstring. I misunderstood (all me not the teacher) the directions and used the drawstring cording to make the button. … Continue reading “Finishing the Tuffet”

Dream Projects #5

New and exciting projects continue to spring into my head. Art Institute of Chicago Fusible Quilt Pattern: Original Fabric: Turquoise and red, mainly, but other colors for the leaves and flowers Steps: need to fuse a bunch of turquoise to some piece of fabric in the ‘ticker tape’ style. I am thinking of making it … Continue reading “Dream Projects #5”

Dream Projects #4

As I said in the last post, projects I have wanted to do for awhile, as well as brand new ones, keep springing into my head. I have added at least four more projects to this list in the last little while. Art Institute of Chicago Fusible Quilt Pattern: Original Fabric: Turquoise and red, mainly, … Continue reading “Dream Projects #4”

Dream Projects #3

As I said in the last post, projects I have wanted to do for awhile kept springing into my head and I really needed a place to put them. I realized that once I cleared out my head, there was more space for other stuff. Guess what happened? More new projects popped into the free … Continue reading “Dream Projects #3”

Various & Sundry #13 – Mid-November

Fabric, Thread and Supplies Need some discount fabrics? I mean full quality fabric for less? Check out this post on The Stitches Swap. Just go look. You know you want to go and look. Hawthorne Threads has now produced its own fabric line. I saw it the other day while I was browsing their shop … Continue reading “Various & Sundry #13 – Mid-November”

Various & Sundry #11 – mid October 2014

Have you taken a look at the tutorials page lately? There are a lot of great step-by-step directions on various quiltmaking techniques and I have made some updates lately. Exhibits, Websites and Blogs I have a quilt in an exhibit at the San Francisco Public Library. The exhibit, Primal Green 2, started on October 11 … Continue reading “Various & Sundry #11 – mid October 2014”