Penny M, a relatively new reader (yay for new readers!!!), asked what the deal was with the Creative Prompt Project. I thought my Friday posts were self explanatory. Regardless, I thought this would be a good time to reintroduce the project. Interest has kind of waned and perhaps this post will boost participation.
The whole idea is to commit each week to be creative. Not for me. Not for your art teacher, but for yourself and to enhance your creativity.
Each Friday I give a creative prompt and each of us interprets that into a drawing, a doodle, a collage, a scrapbook page, a crocheted afghan, a painting, a photo…any kind of creative work that suits you. We can design a quilt, make a sculpture from marble or Sculpey, mold something with clay, paint, or write anything we want in response to the prompt. There are no rules on medium or method. The idea is to develop a regular art practice.
If your week is crazy, post a previous art piece and let that older piece inspire you and others.
Take 5 minutes to create your response. Create a creative habit and not a masterpiece.
How to Join: Feel free to join in by posting your artwork somewhere on the web (your blog, your website, or the AQ Flickr Group). Follow your post up by making a comment in the relevant creative prompt post’s comment area including the direct link to your artwork. You can post your responses to the AQ CPP Flickr Group. You may copy the Creative Prompt Logo image and post it on your blog or website as well. If you do that, link it to the AQ Inspiration page so others know how to join.
People are inspired in different ways and the web provides a lot of different ways to be challenged creatively. Some additional resources for your creative work can be found on the Creative Prompt Project Inspirations page.
This project will end sometime towards the end of the year. I am going to stop at Prompt #365. You have about 45 prompts in which to create a creative habit OR start from #1 and work through them all.
I think I might be ready to start cutting for FOTY 2015. I know. It is nearly March and finally I am getting in gear for 2015. 😉 Sometimes you have to let the process guide you.
I said last time that I wasn’t sure how much more I should cut. I think that I made that comment because I didn’t have a clear view in my mind of how to start FOTY 2015. I hadn’t decided on a shape. I have a better idea now.
As mentioned previously (or, maybe, on Twitter), I have been ironing fabric. when my sewing chair starts to fall over because I have too much washed, but unironed fabric hanging on the back, I have to iron. I ironed a lot while listening to Outlander (long LONG audiobook) and let it stack up on my ironing board, but finally I was ready to cut.
FOTY 2014 – Late February 2015
I still have a stack on my ironing board, but Voila! These are the patches I have cut in the past few weeks. I thought there were more, but if there were I lost the photo.
Yes, I cannot help attempting to gradate the patches.
It makes no sense to me to work on a project and not use leaders and enders to save thread and get some other rote piecing done. To that end, as I worked on the Stepping Stones, I also added grey triangles to the leftover octagons so I could work towards the Octagon Nine Patch quilt.
Octagon Nine Patch Test
I kind of wanted to remind myself what mine would look like so I made a mockup in EQ7.
Something looked off so I went and looked at the picture and my piece and realized that I reversed the foreground and background from the original that I saw at PIQF. I was a little upset, but I quickly realized that I had to do it this way, because of the way the octagons were made. My octagon patch is a foreground piece. In Dina Carmiel’s piece, A Touch of Autumn, she used background fabric for the octagons, because they are a base for some applique’. I would have had to completely remake the octagons with the background grey if I wanted to mimic her quilt. The point of my piece is to use up octagons that I already cut for the Russian Rubix quilt.
Octagons to Snowballs December 2014
The sewing of the corner triangles takes a lot of time and if I didn’t like the cheerful colors so much I might give up. As a result, this work makes great leaders and enders piecing. Progress still takes a lot of time.
This is the third quilt I have made with these fabrics and I am really eager to have all three side by side to see the differences.
Well, another year has past. Shocking how quickly it zoomed past. I am sad to see 2014 go as, in a lot of ways, it was a good year. Unexpected, but good. Last January 1, I was sitting at home recovering from a fun night out with Friend Julie and her fabulous husband. this year I am anticipating another night out with Julie and her husband. Yes, I am a creature of habit.
Blog posts: 376 (Nota bene: that is free content for you!)
After almost 3 solid days of sewing (interpersed with laundry and a trip to Home Depot for a new shower head with DH) over the weekend, I am feeling more like my sewing self. I am not sure much changed except my attitude, but I am feeling more cheerful and happy with the projects on which I am working. No, I haven’t pulled out any old projects on my UFO list nor did I finish that &^%$# Christmas table runner, but there is always next year.
I made a few gifts in between picking out fabrics for the new Stepping Stones blocks. I’ll post about the gifts after I hand them over to their recipient.
Happy Stepping Stones Mess
Now I have a happy mess in my workroom. I am so pleased to be working with the reds and turquoises. I may have to clean some of it up before Tuesday for a party, but we will see.
I am not sure why I feel better all of a sudden. Of course it could be that Christmas is over and I have less to do, though work will be starting up again on January 5. It could be that I listened to a couple of Barbara O’Neal/Barbara Samuels books and her books always make me happy. Perhaps I was just a bit kind to myself after tons of work getting ready for the holidays.
The weird part is that I really tried to prepare throughout the year for Christmas so that I wouldn’t be running around like a crazy person right before. It worked somewhat, but I think I need to keep a list of gifts purchased on my phone rather than just on my computer. Or follow Jenny in her “run up to the holiday project.”
I have been a little on the cranky side lately – not cranky exactly, but a bit out of sorts. I am not sure why, so I blame work.
I have really wanted to sew and haven’t been able to settle on anything that demanded I get myself to the workroom and work on the project. As a result, I thought it would be a good idea to work on a project that would really be exciting to me. I like my other projects, but don’t want them to be #1 right at the moment. I know this means starting something new and not finishing things. TFQ reminded me that sewing/quiltmakingshould be fun and not something I should do. I am taking my advice and her advice.
I dug around and pulled out two Lintott books and the two Kim Bracket books I have. I perused them to see what interested me, but was still enamoured with the Stepping Stones pattern in Layer Cakes, Jelly Rolls and Charm Quilts, pg. 72-79. I have been wanting to do this in the Bonnie and Camille fabrics (remember the test?), but wasn’t really happy with the background choices. The B&C greys are a bit depressing. I think they have some taupe or brown undertones I eschew. Bottomline: they didn’t really give me the look I wanted. I bought a solid during a binge of end of the year fabric therapy with the intention of using it as a base for the background. I still want it to be scrappy, but I should be able to use it to compare other possibilities.
One PITA is that there is a lot of cutting that has to go on before very much sewing can happen. The other PITA, which I am sure I mentioned as I worked on the first Stepping Stones quilt, is that the pattern doesn’t say that I should use light medium or dark to get the overall pattern. It actually uses the colors they used, which isn’t very helpful if the maker is using different colors. To make matters worse, the photo in the book is pretty bad and I am shocked that a great publisher like David and Charles would allow such a photo to be used in one of their books.
As I worked through those problems, I realized that I really wanted to push fabric through the machine. But I didn’t want to just sew mosaic piecing; I wanted to sew with a purpose. I wanted to sew something that would make me happy. Two goals a bit at odds with each other.
I started in anyway thinking I could always stop all the thinking I had to do to get the Stepping Stones to a stage where I could just piece. I pulled out my bin of Bonnie and Camille fabrics and started pressing and cutting and placing and looking.
Turquoise/Red Stepping Stones block in progress
An odd thing happened. I gradually moved from all Bonnie and Camille fabrics to some Bonnie and Camille fabrics and other more turquoise, scarlet and pinky red fabrics. I like the Bonnie and Camille fabrics, but the overall effect of them, for me, was not cheerful enough. They have a vintage look, which I like, but somehow the feel was too calico and not quirky enough. I think of vintage quilts (as opposed to vintage fabrics) as a bit quirky and ones I like do not have the feel of small calico prints.
I really like dark pinky reds and bright turquoises. The Bonnie and Camille fabrics have softer turquoises, tending towards light blue and a lot of orangey reds.
It is interesting how pieces evolve. I am also happy that I was able to give myself permission to use more than just the Bonnie and Camille fabrics. I know that sounds odd, but stuck in my mind was a quilt with Bonnie and Camille fabrics. Moving beyond the idea of a quilt from a whole line (or series of lines) of just Bonnie and Camille fabrics required a major brain shift. I am glad, because I am able to use some non-B&C fabrics that I really like while keeping some of the Bonnie and Camille fabrics that fit in with my new vision.
I have not been making blocks for this project. Not for lack of desire, but I have had too much else going on. With Christmas over and the Young Man off to visit Grandma, I hope to turn my attention to the mess that I call a workroom.
I had the Leaning Tower of Pisa of fabrics on my cutting table and it occurred to me that I had too many fabrics for the Tale of Two Cities piece. I took all the fabrics off the cutting table and laid them out then removed some, which I won’t be using for the blocks anymore.
Tale of Two Cities Fabrics – Dec 2014
My final choices, which may still evolve as I work through the blocks are shown on the left. I may have two many lights, but as I am using my phone as a camera these days, it just may be that they look lighter than they are.
I didn’t really want to keep the octopus fabric in, but it is distinctive. I have used it several times, so I didn’t feel I could leave it out without it being noticed. However, I may have used it enough so that I can spread blocks with it out over the quilt and the quilt will look fine.
I want to get back in the saddle and make a few more of these blocks in the not too distant future.
I still have WIPs. Who doesn’t, after all, but the list is getting a lot smaller.
Aqua-Red Sampler – Frances and I haven’t really worked on this for a long time. I really want her to finish her hexagon block before we move on. I think she has progressed so much since we started that I wonder if I should just tell her how to put the quilt together and be done with it.
The Tarts Come to Tea: I still haven’t worked on this since April 2011, though, periodically, I think about working on it.
Pointillist Palette #4: Fourth is a series of 6 quilts; needs tiny square patches sewn together. I still haven’t worked on this, though, I do think about it. The Lunns have a new line of PP fabric out. I am curious to see the new colors. I only saw a few at PIQF
Self Portrait: started in 2006 at a class at Quilting Adventures in Richmond, Virginia. My career counselor breathed new life into this project for me. She asked a simple question and the end result was inspiration for this piece, but I kind of lost steam again after printing images on paper to try out different designs. Lately, I have been feeling like I need to finish this piece as it should be a good reminder to keep in my office.
Under the Sea: class project; like the design, but not the colors much. Possibility for abandonment. I have to face reality.
Ready for Quilting
Wow! Everything on this list is new, as in it was never on the original 26 Projects list.
Table runner: Basted; needs quilting and binding. I am planning on free motion quilting this myself for practice, which may be a challenge when my main machine is not working. (Not on original list)
In Process
I decided that I had better put in an ‘In Process’ category. The difference, at least in my mind, between ‘In Process’ and ‘UFO’ is that I am actively working on a project that is “In Process.”
Spin Wheel: really not started, but supplies gathered. I probably have enough fabrics and just need to decide to start.
Stepping Stones #2 using Bonnie & Camille fabrics Bliss, Ruby, Vintage Modern: made two test blocks, but decided to buy a solid turquoise for the background fabric. The large-ish flower print from the above lines that I wanted to use just had too much white and muddied the look. I want the contrast to be good and adding in a fabric that is not from the line will make the piece my own. I may be ready to start this project.
Stepping Stones #3 using the Macaron pre-cuts from Hoffman. I just remembered this project. It isn’t started, but I have all the pre-cuts and should think about actually using them.
Windmill quilt: Still hunting and gathering. I will use a grey for the background, because if I use more of the cut fabric patches, the pattern will be lost. The pieces are too oddly shaped and I don’t want to lose the pattern in a mass of scraps
Nothing in 2014. I am still thinking about whether some of the UFO projects should be abandoned. Will I really finish them?
You can find the last update for the Current Projects list provides a good comparison to this month.
The first list I made is kind of interesting, the one with the 26 Projects. I started the list in October 2011. I have made REALLY GOOD progress. Up until a few months ago, I was still planning to stop this post when I had no more projects from the original list to write about, but now, that the end is in sight, I am not so sure. It is so useful to keep track of all of my projects. Since I still have some pretty old projects on the list, I haven’t decided.
*New – Project started after I started working on the 26 Projects list
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spark plugs
Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.
We are also talking about this on Twitter. Use the hashtag #CPP
The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.
I am slowly working on this piece. I have had a lot of other things to do so, in this case, slow means snail’s pace.
I have been pulling suitable reds out of the fabric closet, cutting and putting them in place. At the moment I have 3 different fabrics, but two of them are batiks and are very similar. I was trying to alternate the first two, but when I added the third (the one that looked similar), it became a little challenging. The next step is to find another red that is the same color,b ut has a slightly different pattern and add that into the mix.
I realized, as I added the third red, is that I was only putting fabrics on the vertical, so I started to move some of the three fabrics around so some of them were in horizontal positions as well. I, of course, will move them around some more when I add in the last (with any luck) fabric, but I’ll have to see.
Yes, the Field Day Zipper piece is still there. I haven’t made any progress on it, nor have I finished with the pieces from this quilt, so the FDZ piece is still in place. I did find a few more pieces, which is why it looks longer.
My friend, the environmental librarian, asked us to do the show again.A lot of the same parameters were applied to this show that we created for the last show.
It is on through April 24, 2015, so you can go and take a look as well and check out some books while you are at it. 😉
I finally was able to go and take a look. I stopped in before going to lunch with a friend who works nearby. I missed the CQFA group viewing because I was in Houston.
Display Cabinet
There are a number of quilts displayed there. I thought they were hung very well. One of the display cabinets had Caroline’s fish purse in it. I love that piece, because of the whimsy. I wonder what the general public thinks about it?
The green piece on the top right is from the color challenge (I bought the fabric for that challenge and never did the piece – or haven’t yet done the piece).
The signature book was tucked in a corner so I don’t know if people saw it and were writing in it. The last book for the show had some odd comments, but had some really nice comments as well.
My Quilts in Display Case
My quilts were well displayed and I was pleased. You can see Beachtown on the left. What you can’t see is The Flower Garden on the right.
The quilts were all behind glass for security, so they were difficult to photograph. Still, they have to be there, because they will get stolen and touched. I was just taking photos so you could get an idea of how the show was hung not so you could get a perfect rendition of the quilts.
My Whole Cloth Quilt is also in the show. I didn’t get much of a better photo of it than I already have . The stitching is too subtle for a regular camera.
Virginia’s Quilt
One of the quilts is so great. It is a regular traditional quilt from far away. If you look closer at the quilt, you will see that the fabrics are covered with bugs. LOL! This is by Virginia and I love the bugs.
There are many more quilts and I will see about creating another post about them. The show is really worthwhile and I hope you will go and take a look.
I had to drive to Sebastapol on Friday and took the opportunity to look around the town. At a mall where I had lunch, they had the most amazing hanging plants. Above is an extreme closeup, but they were huge! I missed Friend Julie and her encyclopedic knowledge of plants. Enjoy!
I finished filling another journal – the one which wore (??) the Blue Tree Journal Cover – and then finished a new journal cover. It is pink, as you can see, and it is the perfect color to make me happy on cold, wet days. <I am not complaining about the rain, because we desperately need it, but it still is cold and wet outside>
Inside Front Cover
I used the mosaic piecing technique again (great for scraps) and really have some nice looking abstract motifs on the cover. It took me a long time to make the fabric for this journal cover, which was odd. Perhaps I used many, many more small pieces than I have in the recent past. the whole process is a good use of scraps, though.
I am not as happy with this cover as I was with the Blue Tree Journal Cover, but not because of the piecing. It has more to do with the filling. I put flannel on the inside, as I have with recent journal covers. I am beginning to think is my preferred filling for these journal covers. In this cover I put the flannel a little too close to the edges. It made the edges, coupled with all the piecing, really thick. I forgot to keep the flannel out of the seam allowances. The edges feel odd.
Inside Back Cover
Last time I am pretty sure I quilted the Blue Tree Journal Cover to keep the flannel in place and kept the flannel out of the seam allowances. I need to remember to do that, which may mean I need to rewrite the tutorial.
One thing I may do is make a new cover and put this one on an older journal. I haven’t had a chance, but stay tuned.