Happy Blogiversary

China Cake Plate
China Cake Plate

I started this blog in 2005 – 9 years ago, if you are counting. I have written over 2900 posts, some good, some bad. I have 4,600+ images in my Media Library. I write about a lot of stuff including:

Idea Cloud
Idea Cloud

I have 74 items marked as being about a completed project.

Thanks for reading all this time and for commenting on my projects and posts. Without you, why should I bother?


Check out the creative prompt, which was posted yesterday for those of you keeping track.

Birthday Report

I feel somewhat self indulgent by sharing my birthday report with you. I had such a great day, though, that I can’t help myself. I love my birthday and really strive to savor it every year. I think I would love to have it more than once a year, but then I would get really old, really fast and it wouldn’t be as special. The bonus was that I had a day off of work!

First, I got up and wrote in my journal and drank my tea. The boys got up and DH made us an omelette (I didn’t even have to ask!), then I started opening gifts. I couldn’t believe the generosity of my friends and family. I couldn’t even open all the gifts at once.

Granary Fabrics
Granary Fabrics

Later, I went to pick up my sewing machine and out to lunch with Maureen. Our favorite lunch place is right near the Granary, so while I waited for her, I looked at fabric. Julie and I are going to do a block project with the 100 Modern Quilt Blocks book by Tula Pink and I saw the perfect background. My mother-in-law gave me some money and the fabrics are the result. I really like the Granary. The fabrics are all commercial and most of the ladies there tend towards non-art quilts, but I like the busyness and the variety of products in the place. They have a lot of fabric that is well organized and it is clean. They have lots of everything as well.

Birthday Gifts
Birthday Gifts

And then there was the birthday box! OMG! TFQ out did herself this year and sent me the most luscious quiltmaking fabric and supplies and inspiration. If I don’t buy anything else this year, I will be all set.

I also put the books that Julie gave me and some gifts that DH gave me in the picture. I am not tall enough to include them all.

One item I received was a FitBit. I have been wanting one and am pleased to finally be able to see where I am in terms of fitness. My first morning workout was over 2,000 steps, which is amazing!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

I took this photo back in September at the Alden Lane Nursery Outdoor Quilt Show. The quilts got people to the nursery, which actually sells plants and garden stuff (yes, my technical term).

Although, not all of you celebrate Christmas, I hope that you will project peace and love out into the world in your own way so that we can have a better world this month and next year.


















*See more terms for peace at Columbia



5×7 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Happy Blogiversary!!!!

Yes, today is my 8th blogiversary!

We are celebrating here at ArtQuiltmaker by…

China Cake Plate
China Cake Plate

eating cake…

Wine Bag, detail
Wine Bag, detail

drinking wine

and, of course, sewing. Of course, this is all virtual, since I am probably headed to work as you read this.

Have you been blogging that long?

Are you inspired when you read my blog?

Enjoy the party and let me know if you want me to write about something special during the next year. I can’t promise I will do it, but I will try to be inspired by your request!

Happy Mother’s Day!

KQED, my local public radio station, has a feature called Perspectives. Perspectives are small audio essays by regular people on a subject. On Friday, in the half awake state before I have to jump out of bed and start my day, I heard a Perspective by PeiPei Zhou. Ms. Zhou talked about all the sacrifices her mother made for her so she could have a better life. Immediately my mom popped into my mind.

I knew we weren’t rich. I never had the trendy clothes and shoes that my classmates sported, but I never felt deprived either. I traveled, I went to college all because my mom made sacrifices. I didn’t even realize the magnitude of her sacrifices for me until I was an adult. I am not sure I can fathom them now. I only know I have what I have and have accomplished is due to my hard work, but the unfailing, unquestioning support of my mother.

I probably wouldn’t be writing this blog without my mother. She sewed a lot when I was a kid — at least I remember her sewing a lot. You know how kids and time are: they think you did something all the time when you only did it once? I remember her sewing costumes for Halloween, school play costumes and doll clothes.

Cara of TalknT said it very well this morning on Twitter. She said “Happy Mother’s day to all the moms, mommys, Grandmas, mom in waitings, Stepmoms and caregivers. Blood doesn’t make a family. Love and you do.”

If you like this blog, or tolerate it 😉 head over to Mary’s Art Musings and say hi to my mom, Mary, and thank her for everything she has done.

My 3 Moms: Ruth (l), Edeltraut (m), Mary (r)
My 3 Moms: Ruth (l), Edeltraut (m), Mary (r)



Happy Blogiversary!

I missed my Blogiversary last year and was only reminded after listening to Amy of the Creative Mom Podcast talking about her Podcastiversary (is that a word??).

I guess it isn’t that important to me. Or, perhaps the beginning of the year is so full of celebrations – birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, etc, that I couldn’t take another celebration. Too much of a good thing and all that….

Still, today is kind of a special day, because it is the 5th anniversary of starting this blog. I have to celebrate. I am really proud that I have kept it up; that people read and that I have made progress on my creativity.

Here are some interesting facts about Artquiltmaker Blog

May 2005 – 7 posts

May 2006 – 6 posts

May 2007 – 20 posts

May 2008 – 24 posts

May 2009 – 39 posts

May 2010 – 16 posts, as of May 9, 2010

Total AQ blog posts: 1274

Comments: over 2400

Pages: 11

Categories: 51

Tags: 90

Have a great day and thanks for reading!

Birthday Extravanganza

I am REALLY fortunate to have wonderful friends and family who are willing to give me books and quilt related items that I love. I really received a lot of gifts; so many I will have plenty to write about and read and think about during the gift giving drought that is the rest of the year.**

Birthday books - 2010
Birthday books - 2010

My birthday was a week and a half ago and the gifts just keep coming. Julie gave me some fabric, a book, some note cards and some little things while at the retreat over the weekend.

The Quilter’s Album of Patchwork Patterns by Jinny Beyer came from a gift certificate I actually got from TFQ for Christmas. I think of it as a birthday gift to myself! Thanks, TFQ!

Art + Quilt came from DH. I have been borrowing TFQ’s copy and now I have my own. I am pretty excited about some of the exercises in the book.

Sew, So Cute by Mary Engelbreit came from Julie. I have wanted this book because of the apron on the front. I love it. It has some much style. I can’t wait to make that apron. Perhaps I will add it to my gift arsenal?

The bottom three reading material came from my sister. The Crafty Chica book has a very cheerful layout. I also like the pocket bag, which is made out of tablecloth vinyl. I love the tote on the front of the Sew News magazine and Artful Blogging often has links to great new blogs.

I really like they style of that tote bag on the front of the Sew News magazine. I looked at the directions last night and they are a little cryptic. I am going to look up the designer at some point and see if there is some additional explanation before I dive in. We’ll see.

I am so fortunate to have so much new reading material and project ideas. it is nice not to have to get these books out of the library and read them quickly. I really enjoy dipping in and out of books, especially quilt books. Thanks!

Fabrics from Kim
Fabrics from Kim

That wasn’t all, though. I also have some fabric to go along with the project ideas. Above are some pieces that my sister bought for me. they are colors that she loves, so I wonder if she is angling for another bag or a quilt or something? Hhhmmm.

Jeanne Gifts
Jeanne Gifts

Here is the wonderfulness that came from TFQ. Her gift was right on time, actually early, and I opened it as soon as I could get it in the door. The journals (Miquelrius) will not go to waste. I think I have to write more so I can get through them faster. 😉

The pink and red fabric (on the right in the middle) is a Malka Dubrowsky screen print (batik, maybe?). The funny part of about that fabric is that I bought TFQ some of Malka’s fabric as well. We roared with laughter about that! Great minds, you know. 😉

I have only glanced through Creative Time and Space, but I love the Voodoo lounge podcast, which is also by Rice Zachery-Freeman. I am reading Life is a Verb and really like it. I will write a full on review when I finish it. One thing I already like about it is that the author says that she created large margins so people could create ‘marginalia’. I have done one of the exercises she suggests and enjoyed it. Unlike Maisel’s book, I can do them in the 20+ minutes I carve out for creativity every day with minimal technology requirements.

Julie Card - front
Julie Card - front

I loved all the gifts and cards and phone calls and emails I received, but this card is really special. One thing I really appreciate is when people give me some of their precious time. When someone takes the time to make me something, like a card, or when they take the time to write me a letter, it is most appreciated. I  love it when someone sits down and writes me a real letter about things they are doing and observing. Even if those things seem mundane, I love hearing about the day to day things in others lives. Mailing the letter to me with a real stamp in a real envelope is one of the best presents I can receive. I love it that Julie took the time to make and write the card.

Julie Card - open
Julie Card - open

I had to cut off the writing because is personal. Isn’t Julie creative? She put flags on the inside, too. I really like this card.

I am so fortunate to have such generous, thoughtful, wonderful and creative friends.

**Do Valentine’s Day, my anniversary, and Mother’s Day count? 😉