Day: August 8, 2007
Mosaic from Europe
SisterK finally gave me a CDof photos of mosaics from France and Italy. She spent 9 months there a couple of years ago. Before she left I told her to take photos of mosaics for me. I plan to use them for filler when I have nothing quilty to report on. They are gorgeous!
The ring is so elegant and simple. It would make a wonderful area rug. I can imagine it on the floor with a simple,yet elegant round wooden table scattered with books and some of those chairs that Camilla had delivered for her shop today. [I would want the chairs in a different color, though]
This is a mosaic I would have never expected. I guess what I wouldn’t have expected was the sparkle.
Now for the silliness and fun. If you aren’t into complete silliness, stop reading and come back tomorrow.
I gave myself a makeover. I also created a new picture to represent my blog. I just needed something new. Very silly and fun. Hope you like it.