I finished this quilt at the Labor Day Craft Night. This shows the power regular sewing with people who are expecting you to be there.
This quilt is for my nephew who is now a freshman at the University of Michigan. He will need it when winter sets in, California boy that he is.

I am pretty sure I am done with food themed quilts. I made an effort to use most of the larger pieces on the back and think I just have a few smallish (up to fat eighth size) left. Someone at the guild asked for the scraps and I may give them to her. I have a few years before the next batch of nephews go off to college and all of them already have quilts, so I don’t feel obliged to make another. However, an excuse to make a quilt is always tempting. For now, I need to focus on the nephews who don’t yet have quilts. One in particular is ripe and I have no idea what to make for him.
The photo isn’t great as I had to take the photo outside late in the day, so the shadows disrupt the look.