Thoughts on PIQF 2019 pt.2

One of the things I forgot to mention when I talked about the quilt show the other day was the swans. Yes, swans showed up as imagery in at least 7 quilts. I have been reading/studying a book called The 1718 Coverlet*. Essentially it is a block book, but it tells the history of the oldest quilt found in the UK and tells the reader how to make the blocks. In the book, and the quilt, are blocks depicting swans.

In the world Quilt Exhibit, we saw that someone had made a version of the 1718 Coverlet. There were the first swans. After that we saw swans depicted in the other quilts. I love white birds – herons, egrets and swans – but I was surprised to see so many swans in quilts. Granted there were a lot of bird quilts. Sadly, I neglected to take photos of any bird or swan quilts. 🙁

Raffle prizes for guild
Raffle prizes for guild

As you know from a previous post, I am leading the team that will be creating raffle baskets for the guild next year. Every meeting, a random number is drawn, matched with a name on the sign-in form and the winner is gifted with a bag or basket of prizes. I won one recently and was amazed at the variety of items. I have a list of items I want to get to fill in the things we make. I found a few of them at the quilt show.

FOTY 2017 on display at PIQF 2019
FOTY 2017 on display at PIQF 2019

I did mention that FOTY 2017 was on display. It was in the New Quilts of Northern California exhibit. In the past few years, I have been annoyed at the quilts made from patterns that were on display in this exhibit. This was part of my impetus to enter. The FOTY quilts are unique. I have only seen one or two others using the same concept. This year, more of the quilts looked original, which made me happy.

I was also interested in a couple of the modern quilts. There is something about the circular motifs that is very appealing. I think I have circles on my mind, because of the new project I have been considering lately. I saw a few quilts that I thought were Quick Curve Ruler* projects. It wasn’t hugely obvious, but I noticed. I am glad to see some quiltmakers using that tool. I was also gratified to see that one maker had designed an original quilt using the ruler. I have had some inklings in that direction, too.



















*I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item you click on. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.