Portland: Just for Fun

Just for Fun Quilt Shop
Just for Fun Quilt Shop

When we didn’t find a quilt shop in Scappoose, we headed up to Vancouver and visited Just for Fun again. The last time was in March of 2022. This seems to be the shop I visit when I don’t have something else to do or plans have gone awry. 😉

The shop looked much the same as before, though there was a class going on in the back. I am not sure what they were learning, but the class sounded like they were having fun.

Just for Fun Quilt Shop - front
Just for Fun Quilt Shop – front

Of course, the fabrics were different as well.

I realize now that it is interesting to visit quilt shops at different times of the year. This time of the year Halloween and Christmas were big. Obviously, you have to start projects for those holidays early, so it makes sense.

They still had the Kimberbell area in the front of the shop, but I didn’t notice as much Kimberbell embroidery as I remember from last time. I saw a lot more fabric related to Kimberbell projects, which I found interesting.

There is obviously interfacing and different types of products on which to embroider, so that ‘system’ of products was definitely there. I just don’t remember a lot of actual embroidery. Perhaps I missed it?

Just for Fun Quilt Shop - patterns/kits- front
Just for Fun Quilt Shop – patterns/kits- front

I noticed a lot more patterns and kits than I did last time.

Last time I noticed the samples. This time I noticed patterns and kits. I think kits are much more popular now than they used to be.

This image shows a lot of brown fabrics. This section was for nature type quilts.

Just for Fun Quilt Shop - fabric aisle
Just for Fun Quilt Shop – fabric aisle

They had the same angled shelves as last time. I still feel like I could see the fabrics pretty well. I think those angled shelves take up a lot of space. I wonder what you think about angled vs. straight shelves?

The shop also had a lot of bundles. I think they might wrap up fabrics that are ‘end of bolt’ into bundles. They had a couple of Guicy Guice bundles I considered. I really wanted yardage and they were out. I like the Guicy Guice fabric. The colors are magnificent, but I am not going through my fabric fast enough to collect that as well.

Just for Fun Quilt Shop - notions
Just for Fun Quilt Shop – notions

Just for Fun had a well stocked notions area and I picked up a few things for gifts.

I was interested to see the different sizes of Hot Rulers. I couldn’t think of a use for other sizes, so I didn’t buy any.

I am also always tempted by pre-wound bobbins. I have plenty of thread, so I resisted the urge.

I think I was tired after my gravel road adventure because I didn’t buy much. I did buy another fabric for the new Pillowcase Project and also some interfacing for another Midi Bag. I realized when I got home that I already had one I hadn’t used yet. Well, I’ll just have to make two of them.

Just for Fun purchases
Just for Fun purchases

Just for Fun
Address: 1503 NE 78th St, Unit 12, Vancouver, WA 98665, United States
T: +1 360 882 9101

Author: JayeL

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.