Gift Post: Paint Tube Bathrobe

Paint tube bathrobe for Mom
Paint tube bathrobe for Mom

Before Christmas, I went to Mary’s again and we worked on this bathrobe. It wasn’t a complete bathrobe Christmas, but two people got them. That is about all the garments I can manage even with Mary’s excellent assistance.

This is a different pattern than the Tarot bathrobe. It has a flat collar instead of a shawl collar.

I bought this fabric awhile ago, sort of by accident. I was trying to replenish my stock of the dark grey version of this fabric and ended up with the light grey background. I like it, but Mom has put the stop sign up for more bags. I didn’t want to start a whole new set with this fabric anyway. I decided a bathrobe would be good. It used up most of the fabric.

As you know, I often get stuck somewhere on garments and my confidence drains away. Mary has been great about helping me. This time I was able to rip out some seams for one of her projects and also cut out a Classmates Tote for her to sew later. It was a good exchange for me, at least.

YM & Mom in their bathrobes
YM & Mom in their bathrobes

I was able to take a photo of both bathrobes and their people.