Project Progress

I now have 15 Cross Blocks (Flowering Snowball). I could have laid them out in a 3×5 grid, but it didn’t look that good.MavMomMary and I took the Pineapple Quilt Class together back in January. She is already putting her quilt together. I haven’t seen it since she had only done a few blocks and … Continue reading “Project Progress”

More Choices for Binding

So, I am at home instead of at the guild meeting, because I woke up with the beginnings of a cold. I have to be well. I have a lot of work and family obligations this week. Being in bed or coughing my lungs out are not on the agenda. The bad side is that … Continue reading “More Choices for Binding”

Make Visual Decisions Visually: Thoughts on Dots

My main goal this evening was to find the right binding for Thoughts on Dots. I have entered it into the county fair, which means I have to do the finishing work (binding and sleeve) fairly sharpish – 21 days from today is the last day to hand in the exhibits.I thought I would use … Continue reading “Make Visual Decisions Visually: Thoughts on Dots”

More Quick Bytes

The fabric from Quilt Expressions. St.JCN and I split an order and these are my pieces. They were fabrics which we saw in other colorways at the shops in Denver. We decided to fill out our collections with different colorways. I found some different whites as well. Fabrics from Quilting Adventures. The three along the … Continue reading “More Quick Bytes”

Another Quick Bite (or Byte!)

This was a weird shadow I saw on my wall. Don’t you think it looks like a bear sitting in a chair with one leg crossed over the other? New fabric. More new fabric Pineapples 13 & 14 Kristen, over at Ardent Peace saw the Pineaple blocks in person recently and said she hadn’t realize … Continue reading “Another Quick Bite (or Byte!)”

Reflections on Pamela’s Class

I know I overloaded myself with photos posted to Artquiltmaker blog on Saturday after the class with Pamela, so I must have overloaded you all as well. This post is about focus and reflection on the class. Here is my first draft, so to speak. I had looked at my previous effort, from the first … Continue reading “Reflections on Pamela’s Class”

Not Enough Colors

Need More Colors. I was thinking tonight as I stared at my Pineapple and Cross Block (Flowering Snowball) projects that there are just not enough colors in the rainbow. Each time I add a strip to the Pineapple, it seems like I have just added that color. Granted, the blues are different and they have … Continue reading “Not Enough Colors”

Teacher Pillow Success

First, some inspiration. I was inspired by Yarnstorm’s photos, so I took my camera with me yesterday and snapped a pic of these roses in my neighbor’s yard. Now on to the Teacher Pillows. They are done except for the hand stitching. I am thrilled that I survived. It is always touch and go at … Continue reading “Teacher Pillow Success”