Kaffe Fassett Confusion

While buying the Pokemon Diamond game guide for the child, I couldn’t help tossing a quilt book for myself into the virtual cart. Both books arrived earlier this week. In a lame attempt to avoid work, I started reading Kaffe Fassett’s Quilt Road. The Good: gorgeous fabrics, wonderful designsThe Bad: The fabrics are only shown … Continue reading “Kaffe Fassett Confusion”

I Guess I Do Have a Project

I have been feeling sort of at loose ends since I finished my various projects and took them to the quilter. I can’t decide if I should start the Chocolate Box quilt or just putter around. It finally dawned on me that I do have a project: the Teacher Pillows! I don’t know what I … Continue reading “I Guess I Do Have a Project”

A Variety of Quiltmaking

Here are some Flowering Snowball blocks (Cross Block) in progress. Some of them you have seen before (many times?), but I put the new fragments with them to see how the piece can get away from the murky look. I felt it was a bit murky with the chocolate in the striped fabric and that … Continue reading “A Variety of Quiltmaking”

What to Do When you Win the Lottery

The lottery is up to $25 million, so I guess I didn’t win on last week’s ticket and will have to buy another one. If I had won, I would do the exact same thing that I did this weekend: sewing, visiting with quiltmaking friends, writing about quiltmaking and more sewing. I could have done … Continue reading “What to Do When you Win the Lottery”

Dots and Denyse Schmidt Join the Party. Fabric Leads to Sainthood

In a effort to update the Catholic Church and make it more appealing to a younger audience, I think that requirements for sainthood should be eased. Sending virtually unsolicited fabric to people really should count towards the sainthood list of requirements. A nice box arrived on my doorstep on Thursday (accompanied by my taxes, which … Continue reading “Dots and Denyse Schmidt Join the Party. Fabric Leads to Sainthood”

Reorganization of Strip Project – Housecleaning

You may remember the post from February 18 where I talked about the perils of strip piecing. My librarian side took over this weekend and I created a new system for organizing and using my strips for the pineapple project. The above shows my neatly organized strips. I have divided them into color piles, as … Continue reading “Reorganization of Strip Project – Housecleaning”

Relief (Sharon’s Quilt)

Finally, I feel some relief. I have finished the top and back to Sharon’s quilt and it is ready to go to the quilter. As I mentioned, I didn’t feel a sense of euphoria or relief after finishing the Nosegay, but I do feel some of that relief now. Top: with the border on, it … Continue reading “Relief (Sharon’s Quilt)”

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

I started work on the back of the Nosegay on Sunday. This is how far as I got – a strip approximately 5ft by 2ft. UGH! I cursed the size of this quilt the entire time. Something about this piece makes it seem so much harder. Still, I am determined to soldier and use up … Continue reading “Sunday, Monday and Tuesday”

The Center is Not the Center

It occurred to me this morning that I seem to be working with patterns that create not obvious secondary patterns. Spiky Stars was the first (that I can identify), the Pineapple and now the Cross Block. In Spiky Stars, the center of the blocks seems to be where the X of color is. Perhaps, in … Continue reading “The Center is Not the Center”

Am I Really Cut Out for Strip Projects??

The Pineapple project requires lots of strips. I am not sure I am cut out for managing such supplies for this project. They are everywhere and I can’t seem to find good combinations of strips. I have seen curtain rods that people have set up on which to hang their strips, but I don’t have … Continue reading “Am I Really Cut Out for Strip Projects??”

Finalizing Borders?

This was my original idea. After I put it up on the wall I wasn’t sure. I then thought about just putting a smallish border on with the white background fabric. The size would be the same as the sashing size (1.75″ finished). This morning I looked at the blue and white borders again and … Continue reading “Finalizing Borders?”

Not Enough Dots?

The Pineapple class, about which I have been talking on and off for the past week, is today. I began packing my supplies and materials and got into a panic that I don’t have enough dots in enough different scales and colors. I want to have a wide variety to provide interest. I rummaged through … Continue reading “Not Enough Dots?”