Gifts to Give Using Fab Fabric

One of my favorite blogs is Be*mused blog (link on clip). She puts fabrics together beautifully and shows wonderful pictures. This link to one of her old posts from a current post discussing Christmas gifts dovetails nicely with another fabric avalanche, this one involving DH. He was not bemused or amused. He was rooting around … Continue reading “Gifts to Give Using Fab Fabric”

Make Lounge Cushion Cover

I was randomly surfing blogs and websites today (studiously avoiding the laundry, the Christmas cards and the Pineapple!) when I came across Make Lounge via Juju Love Polka dots blog. I saw this cushion cover and thought it was very fun. Sadly, Make Lounge is in London and I am not. Still, perhaps I will … Continue reading “Make Lounge Cushion Cover”

Flowering Snowballs

Had a cruddy day at work today, but came home to some Pineapple blocks on the wall and that made me smile. They weren’t new ones, but I really had a good look at them and was reminded how much I like dots! In between working like a complete dog on the weekend clearing out … Continue reading “Flowering Snowballs”

Flickring All Weekend

I spent a lot of Sunday uploading quilt photos to Flickr. I also spent Monday night, Tuesday night and a little while this evening on the project. I believe that I now have all of my digital quilt photos up on Flickr. In any case, there are about 3500 pictures of quilts. Some observations: 1. … Continue reading “Flickring All Weekend”

A Little More Progress

I spent a lot of the day playing with Flickr, adding a lot of quilt photos so I could organize them in different ways. As a result, it meant that I didn’t sew much. I did finish another Flowering Snowball while watching some TV and worked a little on the Pineapples. I am working on … Continue reading “A Little More Progress”

Fabrics, Blog Fun and Product

I hope the above describes some of my work lately! I spent the better part of 4 days in Monterey at a conference (for my other life). I have gone to this particular event for a number of years, particularly when it is in Monterey (some years they have had it in Palm Spring, San … Continue reading “Fabrics, Blog Fun and Product”

Quilt Activities for the Week

I spent almost all week engaged in quilt related activities. First, I picked up my Nosegay from the quilter. She did a fantastic job. Photos to follow as it is such a monster I have to move furniture to get any kind of photo. I also picked up some quilts from the photographer so I … Continue reading “Quilt Activities for the Week”

Making Lemonade

When you have lemons, make lemonade. As you know, the machine is gone and I can’t work on the Pineapples (Well, I suppose I could, but I want to be sure all of the problems are consistent by using the same machine). I have a Janome Jem, which I have only used a handful of … Continue reading “Making Lemonade”