New Year New Donation Blocks

Strip blocks
Strip blocks

I am not sure what exactly made me think of it, but part of it was contemplating my scrap pile. After cutting a bunch of squares with the Accuquilt, I still had a lot of strips. Also, as I have said, a block Alison showed me  and our discussion inspired me. Instead of making the regular 16 patches, I have been making these strip blocks. I want to use up scraps and I have a lot of strips left.

I decided to start with my green scrap drawer. It is closest to my sewing machine.

So far I have three blocks done. I’d like to make the blocks for the entire quilt green, but I don’t know if I will have enough strips/scraps to do that. I’ll see and will be flexible.

Pet Bed Testing

Pet Bed Testing
Pet Bed Testing

I have never seen a pet bed in actual use. I was thrilled to see BAM mascot (in my mind anyway), Cricket, trying one out the other day.

As you can see, they fit a smallish, but not tiny, dog very well. I think Cricket is on the small side, but could be considered a small-medium dog.

Check out the pattern and make some pet beds for your local shelter.

Spiky 16 Patch n.4

Spiky 16 Patch n.4 (quilt n.3)
Spiky 16 Patch n.4 (quilt n.3)

I didn’t have any time to sew at the end of the week and was kind of busy as well. I did manage to finish another Spiky 16 patch donation block.

I might be getting a little tired of these blocks in this color scheme. I know! Crazy, right? I’d kind of like to see a version with more colors. That means making a stash of HRTs in different colors as well.

Spiky 16 Patch n.3

Spiky 16 Patch n.3 for quilt n.3
Spiky 16 Patch n.3 for quilt n.3

I finished another Spiky 16 patch over the weekend, so my collection is growing. I need to start thinking about how I will set these blocks. I could do another quilt like either n.1 or n.2. I am trying to think of something different. Something different might be a small addition like Mrs. K added to her corners.

On point settings are kind of a hassle, but so effective. I have two more blocks to make before I have to decide.


November Donation Blocks

I made a few more donation blocks in November. Between working on the Spiky 16 Patches and traveling a bit, I didn’t get as many done as I would have liked. However, I am taking the positive route and thinking that every little bit helps.

Even though I try, I still seem to end up with a majority of blue donation blocks. I’ll have to see about changing that. Or not. 😉

Spiky 16 Patch, quilt 3, block 2

Spiky 16 Patch block 2, quilt 3
Spiky 16 Patch block 2, quilt 3

I have been working a little at a time on these blocks. Thanksgiving took up a lot of time last week and I didn’t get much time to sew until Friday.

As mentioned the other day, I had to make some right facing HRTs. I made a few so I could finish this block.

I want these blocks to, at least, have the appearance of being scrappy, so I can’t make many of the individual units without getting too much duplication. I am pleased with this one.


Spiky 16 Patch…Again

Spiky 16 Patch block 1, quilt 3
Spiky 16 Patch block 1, quilt 3

I am getting started again on a third Spiky 16 Patch donation quilt.

It is easy just to keep making 16 patches. They are pretty rote, but I have a lot of the prep done for more spiky 16 patches and the units don’t help anyone laying around the workroom. I made the first block with no problems. The first block is always the hurdle. Now I feel like I can zoom through the process.

The stack of the 16 patches and the half rectangle triangles made a good start.

As you can see the rectangles point in different directions I am a bit short of the ones that point to the right (on the bottom row). I had to make a few to finish this block. I will need to make more to finish the rest of the quilt as well. It is a little confusing to know which way to cut the fabric to get the triangles to point in the right direction. I think it is with the print fabric on top. I want to dig out the Split Recs ruler directions to see if that particular piece of information is clearly noted. If it is clear, then I won’t have to try and remember. Small details like that disappear when there is space between projects.


Thanksgiving Aftermath

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I was thinking about the holiday. It is a good holiday.  Lots of family and no gifts that gets short shrift with all of the retail crazy. I stay out of shops during this weekend. This has not been a great year for us for a lot of reasons, but I am still really grateful for all that I have, my family and friends.

You might have heard of the Camp Fire in Butte County or the Woolsey Fire in Southern California. I am impacted by both in a very minor way. The air quality here has been awful, terrible and unhealthy on various days. I now wear a mask outside. Also, I was in SoCal when the Woolsey Fire started and had to breathe that air. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I could do something for people who had to flee their homes because of these fires. Yes, I could donate money, but I wanted to help a person. When I found out that my friend’s mother, a quiltmaker, had lost everything, including her longarm, I went through my workroom. I put together a starter kit with new or gently used items and met my friend for lunch. Her mom is set, but there is another quiltmaker having a hard time and needing the tools to make a project. I hope I got her started. As a bonus, I got to have lunch with a friend. It was nice to catch up since we hadn’t seen each other for awhile.

I don’t know Cindy Needham, but she set up a ‘shop’ where Butte County quiltmakers can come and shop for supplies and materials without cost. The linked post is open to anyone to read and comment. It looks like she is no longer taking fabric donations. Cindy’s ‘shop’ is in need of rulers, mats, rotary cutters and all the other things we use to work on our projects. She has specifically requested pre-cuts and solids recently. I have some precuts marked for a future project that I might just donate and cross off my list. Why not? It isn’t as though I have a shortage of future projects.

I know this should be a ColorPlay or creativity post. I’ll get back to it. Enjoy the variety until I do!

Girl Scout Hearts

Girl Scout Hearts
Girl Scout Hearts

I sent off my #girlscouthearts on Tuesday. I made six of the small size on Monday afternoon. I just returned from my 4th of 4 trips in a 4 week period and was pretending it was Sunday.

I find the Cluck Cluck Sew heart block good for these types of projects. It is easy to make and the symbolism is appropriate. I had been wondering what to do with the leftovers from the Ariel pillowcase I made for my little niece. This was the perfect solution, except for the color. The request was for bright greens and kelly greens, so I was worried that my blocks would not be included. I took a look at the #girlscouthearts hashtag and found that some of the blocks are similar in color to mine. Also, I can only do what I can do.

I might make more, but we will see.

Hearts for Girl Scouts

Original post is on Instagram from the Stitch Supply Company. I have reproduced it here:

Stitch Supply Girl Scout Hearts
Stitch Supply Girl Scout Hearts

Our community has been struck with sadness this past weekend. We lost 3 Girl Scouts, a Girl Scout Mom, and another Girl Scout is in the hospital. While working on their community service project of picking up trash they were struck by a vehicle. Can you help wrap these families in love? We are organizing for each family to have a quilt – or 4 quilts total. We need your help to make this happen.

Details of the quilt blocks:
We will use Cluck Cluck Sews’ Heart Tutorial in both the 5″ and 10″ block sizes for the blocks in this quilt. Keep in mind the blocks will be 5 1/2″ and 10 1/2″ before being sewn together. Each heart will be green with a low volume background. The green should be a shade Girl Scout green. Think bright and cheery kelly or grass greens or shades there of. Small prints on these hearts are great. The background should be low volume in shades of white or cream. Small prints or bits of color are okay in the background. Solids are acceptable as well. If you need fabric, we will have cut blocks kits at the shop for those of you that can swing by and pick them up. Please press angled seam allowances towards the green fabric. Press the center seam open.

We are also looking for local volunteers for piecing the quilt tops together. We are also looking for volunteers to quilt the quilts. Please keep in mind they will have green cuddle for the backing. Batting will be provided.
Please mail or drop off completed blocks to:
Stitch Supply Co
913 S Hillcrest Pkwy
Altoona WI 54720

As per a timeline, we are hoping to have the blocks over the next two weeks, or by Nov 17th. We will add updates for number of blocks collection and amount needed as well go.

Thank you so much for all your help.
Stitch Supply Co.

October Donation Blocks

I was able to up my donation block production in October a little bit, which makes me really happy. I did forget to bring the blocks for the past couple of months to the meeting, however, so I will, with any luck, have a huge pile to bring in November.

I am working through some of the 2.5 inch squares I cut with the Accuquilt at Craft Night a few weeks ago. Going through one color scrap pile limits my options, though. Design challenge, right?

Ends Donation Top & Back n.6

Octagon 9 Patch Trimmings
Octagon 9 Patch Trimmings

A pile of trimmings from the Octagon 9 Patch have been laying around my workroom for a few weeks bugging me. I didn’t want to throw them away, but I also wasn’t thrilled about putting them ‘somewhere’ to be forgotten.

Finally, yesterday, I decided enough was enough and I would whip a donation quilt. A donation quilt would accomplish a couple of things. I would have something to show at BAM. I would be able to add some fabric to my fabric usage, but most importantly, those trimmings would be off my desk.

Ends donation top n.6
Ends donation top n.6

I found a light green Art Gallery solid that I thought would work pretty well and got to work. The quilt top when together pretty easily and I found a couple of fabrics I could use for the back, so the whole thing was done in a couple of hours.

September Donation Blocks

As usual I added to the stash of donation blocks that the guild needs to keep our charities well supplied.

As mentioned, I spent some time with the Accuquilt cutting 2.5 inch squares. I have to cut more scraps as my scrap drawers are overflowing. Aside from cutting with the Accuquilt, that is something I can do it bits and pieces of time I find while dinner is cooking or when I am waiting for DH to be ready to leave.

A number of the blocks were made at the BAM Retreat.

New Donation Blocks

I made a couple of donation blocks over the weekend. Just a couple. I can’t seem to get away from the turquoise, though green is definitely forcing its way into the mix.

I found a whole bunch of Bonnie and Camille 2.5 inch squares leftover from the Stepping Stones n.2 quilt. That means more turquoise, though some red and pink as well.