Peggy the Miracle Quilt Top Maker

Peggy's Sawtooth Star
Peggy’s Sawtooth Star

The other day I showed some red and dot donation blocks. I brought them to hand in at sew day and Peggy immediately grabbed them. Very quickly, she came up with a block with my donation blocks at the center.

This is such a cheerful block. I love the way she used HSTs instead of Flying Geese to vary the color of the rays of the star.  I would say the block is probably 16″ in this form, but I didn’t measure.

Sawtooth Star donation top
Sawtooth Star donation top

As the day wore on, Peggy continued to work. Midafternoon, she came up and showed me the quilt top made with my block at the center.

I know I say this all the time. I love this about the guild community quilt program. I can hand in something half finished and Peggy or someone will take it and make something fabulous.

I wonder if the Spiky 16 Patch #5 inspired her?

This is such a cheerful quilt top and was very quickly finished. It will also be good for a boy or a girl.

Finished: Blue Strip #3 Donation Top

Blue Strip #3 Donation Top
Blue Strip #3 Donation Top

I finished the Blue Strip #3 donation top and back in the nick of time to take to Sew Day on Saturday.

As I mentioned, it was a weird shape, so I made an effort to widen it by making the side border strips larger than the top and bottom border strips.

It is still very much more rectangular than square, but more of a bed shape than a weird shape.

I’ll have to work on a blue color improv quilt like the others as I still have quite a few blue scraps. They seem to multiply when I am not looking. LOL!

Peggy, as usual, was very complimentary and happy to receive it. I plan to make another one using greys or blacks or both. The scrap drawer with greys, blacks and browns is very full.

Blue Strip #3 Heading Towards Finish

Blue Strip #3 donation top without borders
Blue Strip #3 donation top without borders

I had time this week to work on this donation top. I was able to finish putting the blocks together into a top.

The top is a weird shape – kind of long and skinny. I probably should have put the top row of blocks on the side to make it more square. I didn’t, however, so I will put a larger border on the sides than on the top to see about making it more square.

The pink cornerstones add a little spark to the top.

Color Strip Donation Blocks Ready

Color Strip blocks laid out
Color Strip blocks laid out

I am ready to put the Blue Color Strip blocks together. I have made all the blocks and laid them out on my small design wall, ready to sew. I hope to get the quilt ready to hand in on Sew Day in July.

I looked at the previous quilts and didn’t want to do the same thing, but also am not up for a lot of fancy piecing.

It came to me in a flash to add some pink cornerstones!!

Spiky 16 Patch #5 Ready for Quilting

Spiky 16 Patch #5 with border
Spiky 16 Patch #5 with border

I put the border on this quilt and made the back so it is ready for quilting now. I’ll be able to take it to the meeting on Saturday and hand it in.

It isn’t very exciting, but finished is better than perfect. I think the important thing is that I uncovered my sewing machine again and am sewing.

Spiky 16 Patch #5 back finished
Spiky 16 Patch #5 back finished

I used up some fabric for the back as well.

Spiky 16 Patch #5

Spiky 16 patch #5 top in progress
Spiky 16 patch #5 top in progress

I started working on the Spiky 16 Patch blocks again. I was really struggling with just getting to the machine and decided that this piece was what I should work on.

As you read before, I was struggling to decide how to set these blocks. After two weeks, I decided just to do a straight set and a border and move on with my life. I have a couple of donation quilts in progress and it is better to get them finished and out to people who need them rather than have them perfect.

I do think I’ll put a border on this one.

May 2023 Donation Blocks

I surprised myself by getting more donation blocks made than I thought I would.

I am definitely on a blue kick this month. I am definitely making another blue strip donation top even though I just wanted to make 3 blocks for the second Rainbow strip donation top.

Reappearance of the Spiky 16 Patches

I spent some time yesterday just sewing donation blocks, including these Spiky 16 Patches. I came home to all the pieces on the floor. This is a problem with my new design wall that is making me crazy. I decided to get them off the floor and sewing together.

These will be part of another donation quilt. You saw these blocks unpieced back in April. I hope to have the fourth one finished sometime this week so I can put the top together in time for Sew Day.

April 2023 Donation Blocks

I only have a few blocks this month as I was working, mostly on the newest Spiky 16 Patch. However, I got a little boost by attending the retreat and using the materials available for leaders and enders. I tried to choose fabrics that went together so the Community Quilt people could make a kit, but I was only able to finish 5. Maybe someone will start on a Spiky 16 patch.

Rainbow Strip #2 Donation Top Started

I started, sort of, the next Rainbow Strip donation top. I finished the first one in September of last year. Mostly what this means is that when I am delving into a scrap bin and come up with strips, I make a Color Strip block from it.

Recently I have been making blue strip blocks and I have a lot of them. I think I will have to make a blue Color Strip donation top.

I don’t know if I will use all of these since 6 is a lot of any one color. We’ll see.

This group adds to the yellow, green, grey and pink blocks I already have.

Finished: Pink Strip Donation Top

Pink Strip donation top - finished
Pink Strip donation top – finished

Hooray! I finished the Pink Strip donation top and back. It is a serious pink explosion. It is very fun, though and I do like it.

It looks like Alison might quilt it then donate to an organization in her area. I am thrilled that she has taken an interest. We’ll see. 


Pink Strip donation back - finished
Pink Strip donation back – finished

I used up some pink on the back as well. It didn’t make a dent in my collection of pink, of course, but every little bit helps.

On to a Spiky 16 patch.

Another Blue Spiky 16 Patch

Spiky 16 Patch for 2023
Spiky 16 Patch for 2023

I wanted to try the HuRTy, so I grabbed some scraps and started working on another Spiky 16 Patch.

I I have to admit that I mostly ended up using my Split Rects ruler. The HuRTy isn’t bad; I just haven’t gotten the hang of it yet.

I got inspired, partially, because of the blocks with the solid fabrics and the dots. They look really good and I decided I wanted to make something good with them.

Will this be good? I hope so, but if it isn’t great, I know someone will like it.

My current problem is that I am running out of background. I am not running out of ALL backgrounds – just the particular background I chose for this project. I’ll have to select something else to use to finish the quilt. I have time.