Scrappy Celebration Ready for Quilting

Scrappy Celebration top
Scrappy Celebration top

Scrappy Celebration is finished. Well, my part is finished. Today I will bring it to Colleen for quilting.

This quilt was nowhere near ready to give to Colleen, but except for one mishap, it went together quickly and fairly easily (knock wood). I am pretty pleased with the way it came out. It is a lot more interesting to look at than it was to piece.

Scrappy Celebration back
Scrappy Celebration back

As usual, I used a lot of the leftover fabrics for the back. Friend Julie said the look of the back is energetic. I hope that is good and not just a nice way of saying “what were you thinking?”

Notice that I didn’t use the Philip Jacobs chrysanthemum print on the back. I wasn’t ready to use it up yet.

Grey Strip Donation Top Finished

Grey Strip donation top - finished
Grey Strip donation top – finished

I was able to finish the grey strip top at Sew Day, then work on the back at home. I am pleased that this top is finished and am already working on the next black version.

With the back, it is another 3 yards used for a good cause.



Grey strip donation back
Grey strip donation back

I have now made 14 of these quilts, with the help of my guild colleagues.

See the other colors on the Color Strip page.

Scrappy Celebration Towards the Finish Line

Scrappy Celebration - all the blocks
Scrappy Celebration – all the blocks

The last time I talked about this quilt was in September! Since then I have been moving the blocks around my workroom in a desultory manner. I last had them all on the design wall in August and they don’t look great. I decided I needed to finish it and my deadline is on Friday. I have a date with Colleen and knowing my work schedule, will be unable to make another any time soon. So, I needed to get it finished.

Scrappy Celebration -what I had
Scrappy Celebration -what I had

I actually didn’t start from a bad place. I just needed to figure out where I was and where I needed to go.

The photo on the left is what I had when  I put all the blocks up on the design wall. I ignored the block labels I had put on based on where the blocks were in the pattern. I rearranged blocks so they looked more appealing and, then, decided what I additional blocks I needed to make.

I worked on it last weekend and made good progress. I am now ready to sew the piece together.

Metro Twist Ready for Quilting

Metro Twist top with borders
Metro Twist top with borders

Yep, I finished the top and back. I feel much lighter now that it is done.

I am also pleased with how it turned out. I don’t kn ow if I will make this pattern again, but it is possible.

I am sure I said somewhere when I worked on the Metroscape quilt or the Mod Lights tablerunner that the Quick Curve ruler projects come out really well. Not all of my points match up in this quilt, but they are close enough in most cases.

Metro Twist back
Metro Twist back

I put the back together relatively quickly. The label is a little lower than I normally sew it, but I wrote Colleen a note about in case I forget to tell her if I ever see her again. 😉

Another project off my list. My pile of quilts for Colleen is growing.

QST 16 Patch Quilt

The other day, I talked a little about my design process. I also inferred that I wasn’t going to waste time designing when I could be sewing, so I went and started this quilt for the BAM Community Quilts project.

QST 16 Patch #1 - start
QST 16 Patch #1 – start

I did start sewing and I made a good start with some of the blocks I showed a few days ago. I thought I might as well use them, after all.

I was pleased with the black and white stripped fabric. I think it looks unexpectedly good.

So far, I am having fun with this design.

More La Pass Border

I have the feeling that the border might take me as long as the top of the quilt. If it weren’t for that one fabulous rosette, I might just cut off the edges and move on with my life.

Finishing points and adding background
Finishing points and adding background

I did do some organization the other day, which gave me almost a week of evenings with hand sewing ready to go.  I know there will be an end, but I haven’t seen it yet, so it seems to be an ever ending process.

I do get small bonuses, which include finishing some points, like the green ones shown in the photo, that I didn’t expect to finish. They will be sticking into the background, so will show up nicely.

At least I hope they will.

Finishing up a star
Finishing up a star

There is a certain amount of hunting and gathering that I have to do at least once a week. I have to figure out which rosettes to finish and which to cut off, then how I will deal with the background.

I just have to get some straight edges, then I can sew larger pieces of fabric to those edges and be done.

The Return of Metro Twist

I went over to Cyndi’s the other day to sew. This is not Cyndi of the bag, but Cyndi of the Guild. At first, we were going to work on the Enigma Bag together, but she hadn’t had time to cut out her pieces, so we’ll do that another day.

Metro Twist in process
Metro Twist in process

I took three projects over to her studio and ended up making good progress on Metro Twist. I sewed about 40 blocks, most of which I was able to trim as well. I am super happy that I got back to this project.

Metro Twist ready for the big push
Metro Twist ready for the big push

I put all of the existing blocks up on the big design wall (I had to take Scrappy Celebration down temporarily) and took a look.