I have been cutting a little bit for Ring Toss, but it is slow going. The rotary templates are all weird shapes and I need to get into the swing of it. Still, I wanted to test a block to see about highlighting the rings. Thus, I cut a bunch of pieces the other day with the intention of making a block.
I am still thinking about whether to get the booklet. Nobody at the guild seems to have one to loan to me and I am sure I don’t need it for very long. I just want to look at the photos of the border since there are border pieces and I don’t see how they fit into the rest of the quilt.
My first thoughts, after looking at this block for a day or so, is that it is too small. At about 9″, the block is too small. It isn’t that I can’t piece it, I can. It is that the shapes are so great that they are lost in the tiny piecing. Also, the piecing is too fiddly for the number of pieces in the block (17).
At this size, I am not making a whole quilt. I could upsize the block, however. I tried drawing it, had some EQ problems, got help and now have an 18″ block to try. I won’t have the templates, however, for this upsized drawing. I think I will print templates, try one block and see what I think.