I am posting a special creative prompt to coincide with her “virtue of bliss” for creativity week.
Kathy, my long time friend, is doing a year long project on adding more bliss to her life. You can see her blog, Everyday Bliss, and learn more about the project on her blog.
To inspire you….
Purple has always been a royal color
Kathy thinks of purple as a magical or fairy color
Julie‘s favorite color
Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze
Purple People Eater
Jessie has a pink and purple monster that lives behind her house
Abby Kadabby from Sesame Street
Purple Rain from Prince
Barney the Purple Dinosaur
Purple is the color of the font that Kathy uses for her Monday post font color
McDonald’s character, Grimace
Purple is a general term used in English for the range of shades of color occurring between red and blue (Wikipedia)
Harold and the Purple Crayon
Violets (color and flower)
Iris, Orchids and Crocuses
I have never seen a purple cow I never hope to see one… by Gelett Burgess
MTA Maryland has a purple line
Purple Cafe and Wine Bar in Downtown Seattle
Purple Cow by Seth Godin
When I am an Old Woman, I Will Wear Purple
The Color Purple by Alice Walker