I wasn’t able to make the meeting, so this will be a paltry post. Not sure what I will do for the BAMQG blog post. Hope someone comes through to help me out.
A-B-C Challenge

This Underground Railroad block has become one of my favorite blocks. I used it, differently colored, in the Stepping Stones quilt. After the Stepping Stones experience, I knew I had to add it to my collection of blocks for this challenge. As I have said many times, I love the way one slight change can make a block so extremely different. The coloration in the Stepping Stones quilt makes the fabulous overall pattern. The version to the left would have an Irish Chain kind of look if I put a bunch of similar blocks together.

I almost brought a W block, completely forgetting that V comes before W. In fairness, it isn’t completely my fault.I was relying on Around the Block and that book has no V blocks. It went straight from U to W, so I made a W block (yes, I am ahead, but you have to wait to see it). Then I realized what was happening and found the Variable Star in Around the block again. They use a template for the middle, rather than rotary cutting directions, because they want you to cut it on grain. I just cut it and was careful while sewing. I think it is probably off grain, but whatever. It is the middle of the block, so I am not worried.
Donation quilts

I love those Charity Girls. Have I said that? They are awesome. They REALLY make me want to make donation tops. Here is the yellow top I turned in this week. You have heard all about it in another post, so I am not going to say much more about it.
It is the top without borders. If you read the other post, you get the borders. I gave the top to Angela and she said that people really liked it. I am happy about that.
TFQ and I talked about other colors to use for these tops. I want to make an orange one and she suggested using another color besides black-on-white for the background. I think it is a good idea and thought of blue. That combo would really pop.
I am, however, on to the next top – another pink one. I have cut enough pink squares for almost the whole guild to each make a pink top. What was I thinking?
Rhonda (organizer extraordinaire) did a great job on the improvisational piecing workshop. I have a spy who told me. I can’t wait to see the pictures.
I really like the BAMQG group. Some of the people are becoming my peeps! I was invited to join a small group, which is awesome! I am excited about that. More on that later.