I noodled around enough so I didn’t have time to write a book review, so here is an update the cutting for the Fabric of the Year 2012 quilt. It has been nearly a month since the last update.
For those of you have forgotten or were never in the loop, the rectangles are new fabrics – lots of these are from Quiltology – and the squares are fabrics that were in my stash that I have just recently used.
You can see the pink donation quilt in this edition as well as the Yellow donation quilt and pieces from the A-B-C Challenge.
I am having fun cutting into fabrics that have been around for awhile. That is another good aspect of the donation tops – fabrics get their day in the sun and I get some space in my fabric bins.
I’ll get my act together over the weekend and get you some meaty posts to sink your teeth into. Stay tuned.