I missed the BAMQG November meeting. I wasn’t really up for it after my family emergency. I think I will miss the December meeting as well. Bleah, but we’ll see.

I looked at the photos and two of the quilt tops I made were turned into quilts. I was thrilled to see them.
This is the pink one I finished in August 2012. If you click on the photo and make it bigger, you can see the circle quilting, which looks great.
Looking at the piece finished makes me re-evaluate the design again. I think I would take out the dark sashing pieces if I could have see it finished as I was piecing.
Impossible, of course, but a lesson for another day. still I hope that someone really enjoys it and I am so glad that a BAMQGer collaborated with me on this piece.
I haven’t made as many donation tops this year, but I can always try again next year.

Someone also finished the Orange and Grey donation quilt. Again the circle quilting is awesome. I am so pleased to see how well this quilt turned out. It is so great to see my tops turned into something I really love the collaboration!
Thanks to the BAMQGers who finished up these quilts.