When I know I will have a block of time to sew, I like to be prepared. I have a block of time on Friday and am not really prepared.
I am always a little prepared, because I keep stuff around to sew to get me in the mood, get me out of a slump, get me going. With a block of time, however, I want to maximize the time available and get the most done.
Many people will be starting the latest Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt, Celtic Solstice. I am not planning on doing that one as I still have plans to make Easy Street from last year. I also have a lot of other things to do and think one mystery quilt is enough for now.
The To Do List has helped me to stay focused and know what to work on next. The 26 Projects List has helped keep me on track for getting old UFOs off my shelves. It is kind of a macro view of my quilt life while the To Do list focuses on the smaller projects and achievable goals.
I hope to have some time later today to figure out where I am with Scrapitude and make myself a list of what comes next. I know I have some more triangle units (different ones) to sew, but I have to figure out if I have cut the pieces I need to use to sew them together.
I can work on the Russian Rubix. I also still need to find some more cool colors, I think, for the Jaye-Roll. I haven’t thought about either project for a month or so.
I also want to make a sleeve for the Original Bullseye and a bag to wrap the T-shirt quilt in. Those may be first on my list as they should be quick finishes.
I guess I do have a kind of plan and only need a bit of