Another Look at Corner Store

Corner Store Blocks - late May 2012
Corner Store Blocks – late May 2012

At the Retreat, Nicki was working on a quilt that reminded me of the Corner Store quilt.

I started this quilt in 2011 after seeing a very small version of it in a book by Lark Crafts called Pretty Little Mini Quilts. It is a quilt you can do in different ways and with scraps. Both Nicki and I used scrap triangles, so the corners are asymmetrical. I put triangles on two corners (opposite each other) while Nicki put triangles on one corner and then arranged them so all the of the triangles were touching. She called them ‘gems’, which I think is a lovely term.

This is a great scrap quilt, because you can use charm squares for the background and use up a bunch of scrap triangles.


While I don’t think you need it, I have a tutorial on making a Corner Store block.