Why You Should Have a Lot of Fabric

As mentioned previously, the quilts are gone and I have only to make binding and sleeves before they come back. Have I made progress? A tiny amount. I found that I don’t have enough of the dark purple batik fabric I planned to use for the binding on The Eye of God.

This is why you must have a large amount of fabric.

I went through my purple fabric bins to see if I had something that would go with the dark purple batik. The first bin was full of purples with lots of red in them. Not what I needed. Then….Voila! Not the same, but similar enough in value and amount of underlying colors as well as overall look to go with the dark purple batik. YAY! There will be extra seams in the binding, but that is life on the edge.

No other progress. We’ll see what happens today/this weekend.

Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.