Zig Zaggy Quilt Progress

The Zig Zaggy quilt is one on which I made minor progress this weekend. In between other obligations, I worked on two Anna Maria Horner Multi-tasker totes. The whole time I was sewing the bags together I wished that I had some leaders and enders prepared, but I didn’t and I was too lazy, apparently, … Continue reading “Zig Zaggy Quilt Progress”

Stalked by BMWs

Recently BMWs have been riding my bumper, tailgating, cutting me off and generally behaving badly on the road near me. I don’t drive that much so my left brain is trying desperately to assure my right brain that it is not some BMW conspiracy and just some weird quirk of driving fate. My fondest dream … Continue reading “Stalked by BMWs”

AQ Gallery

Quilts are organized by the year they were finished not the year they were started. To find out when  quilts were started, read the page for the quilt. Works in a Series 2023 BAMaQG IRR The Lobster tablerunner Orange You Glad Pointillist Palette #4 The Tarts Come to Tea 2022 Cha Cha Cha table runner … Continue reading “AQ Gallery”

One World One Heart

Update: 2/15/2010: The contest is closed! Thanks for reading. Check the 2/16/2010 post for the winner! Thanks for playing and come  back and read the blog! Welcome, new readers and well known readers, to Artquiltmaker.com. We are participating in One World One Heart, a fun way to get to know new blogs and win prizes! … Continue reading “One World One Heart”

Creative Prompt #43: Gratitude

There is more information on the Creative Prompt Page. Gratitude: thankfulness, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. (from Wikipedia) Thank you! Alfred Painter: Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality. Thanksgiving. I am grateful. Attitude of … Continue reading “Creative Prompt #43: Gratitude”

No Whining, But “Wining”

Friday was a busy day, of which the crowning glory was a trip to buy wine as a gift. I bought the wine and laid the bags (small paper wine bags inside a doubled plastic grocery bag) in the trunk for the trip home. I don’t know why I didn’t bring my own bags into … Continue reading “No Whining, But “Wining””

Tarts Embellishing

Last week (or so), I posted about some embellishing that I wanted to do. La, one of my FB readers and a friend, said that she needed to see the whole piece not just the details. Here is my initial attempts at embellishing. Check out the previous post if you want to see details. After … Continue reading “Tarts Embellishing”

Tarts Again

Yes, I am obsessing. This is the last time I will force you to read my obsessive, compulsive rantings on, what I am now calling, The Big Drip. The reason? The Big Drip is done. It is glued and appliqued down for eternity. Or at least until the glue from the fusible rots away and … Continue reading “Tarts Again”

A Work of Heart Part 2

Yesterday, I clipped some pictures from the A Work of Heart blog just to wet your whistle. I went to their studio on a CQFA outing Sunday. Because I got lost, I arrived there late, but was able to catch up quickly. I  had a great time. Great doesn’t even being to describe it; I … Continue reading “A Work of Heart Part 2”


The CQFA met at Always Quilting yesterday. The Always Quilting strip club was also meeting and somehow the space issue got mixed up so we crammed into one of their small rooms to do business, show and tell and swap ATCs. A few of us got in some project work also. I am working on … Continue reading “ATC Day at CQFA”

Responding to the Readers

Last weekend I posted the latest iteration of the Tarts. Mostly, I get really nice, short comments on my posts. I was surprised and delighted to find a long and thought provoking comment from SherriD.  She wrote: “You are more of a trained artist than I am, I think. You’ve taken classes or studied art … Continue reading “Responding to the Readers”

Quilting Arts says: 10 Ways to Rev Up Your Studio

This is the Quilting Arts email newsletter, Embellishments. It often one big come-on to buy something from their store, but this time has great ideas for updating your studio or workroom space. Having problems viewing this email? View in a browser window December 30, 2008     In This Issue Easy, Inexpensive Ways to Redo … Continue reading “Quilting Arts says: 10 Ways to Rev Up Your Studio”