Carpenter’s Wheel – First Piece

Hard on the heels of the Peacock was a deadline for the Carpenter’s Wheel. Since I had started thinking of the background for each block in terms of low volume prints, there was a lot of text fabric included.When the text Challenge was announced at my modern guild, I immediately thought of this piece. It … Continue reading “Carpenter’s Wheel – First Piece”

26 Projects – February 2017 Edition

I am clearing up my workroom a bit after taking down my large design wall and finding a plethora of odds and ends behind it. In the course of cleaning, I am assembling fabrics to donate, which count in the ‘used’ (e.g. no longer in the stash) column of my fabric spreadsheet. Finished 2017 Quilt … Continue reading “26 Projects – February 2017 Edition”

The Beginning of the End of the Top

Yes, this is an Alice in Wonderland-esque post. Yesterday, after returning from a somewhat intense #politicalwifery weekend, I spent some time with The Peacock. The short version is that I finished the left part of the top. There a couple of long seams I need to sew to other long seams, but I am saving … Continue reading “The Beginning of the End of the Top”

Last Carpenter’s Wheel? 

I am hoping that this is the last Carpenter’s Wheel block. My fingers are crossed because it would be nice to finish something AND I want to turn this in for the BAMQG challenge. As I may have mentioned, I have an idea for the layout and I’d like to get to it. Of course, … Continue reading “Last Carpenter’s Wheel? “

26 Projects – December 2016 Edition

I have been sewing fairly steadily for the past month or so. I am making progress, but don’t have any finishes – or any large finishes – to speak of. Somehow I feel like I am in a morass of projects and not able to move forward. It is as though I am sewing in … Continue reading “26 Projects – December 2016 Edition”

FOTY Squares – end of November 2016

You got a little peek at the FOTY squares yesterday when I posted about last week’s design wall. Here are most of the squares in all their glory. I really couldn’t fit all you could see in the photo into the space I had on the design wall. Yes, you saw them all on, but … Continue reading “FOTY Squares – end of November 2016”

More City Sampler Blocks

I wasn’t very happy with a couple of the blocks from the last group of blocks, but I am continuing to persevere and am much happier with the latest batch. It is working for me to use these blocks as leaders and enders while I piece The Peacock. They require a lot more thought than … Continue reading “More City Sampler Blocks”

26 Projects – November 2016 edition

The last time I reviewed my list was in July. I have made some progress, but not a lot. August was pretty much a desert for getting projects done and I was gone in September so no sewing then either. I was ready to rock in October and am making some progress. Finished 2016 Quilt … Continue reading “26 Projects – November 2016 edition”

City Sampler Blocks

I am out of cut white squares for charity blocks, so I used pieces for the City Sampler blocks as leaders and enders while I was sewing the Peacock together this past weekend. I was able to finish a total of 6 blocks, which still makes me under 50 done, but progress is progress. I … Continue reading “City Sampler Blocks”