Various & Sundry 2020 #13

Admin I updated the HRT page with a new tutorial and some new rulers. NQR Products & Services You need pandemic patches for your friends and family for when you don’t know what else to give them. Fabric, Notions, Supplies, Books & Tools If you are not familiar with all of Omnigrid’s specialty rulers, take … Continue reading “Various & Sundry 2020 #13”

2017 Year in Review

Number of 2017 Blog Posts: 346 Number of yards of fabric used this year: 178.5, 40 of which was for charity (24%) Quilt Projects Carpenter’s Wheel – October 20, 2017 Down the Drain – September 15, 2017 The Peacock – July 2017 Small and Medium Projects Aqua Circles Cell Phone Wallet Black Circles Cell Phone … Continue reading “2017 Year in Review”

26 Projects – December 2017 Edition

All of those year end lists will soon be out, including my year-end summing up. It’s been a few months since I did an inventory of my works in progress, so I thought this was a good time. Finished 2017 Quilt Projects Carpenter’s Wheel Down the Drain The Peacock Finished 2017 Non-Quilt Projects While finished … Continue reading “26 Projects – December 2017 Edition”

26 Projects – October 2017 Edition

Finished 2017 Quilt Projects Down the Drain The Peacock Finished 2017 Non-Quilt Projects While finished quilts are thin on the ground, as you know, I have been sewing and I have finished a lot of small projects. I am working on quilts and t I plan to make more small projects this year. Boxcar Tote … Continue reading “26 Projects – October 2017 Edition”

26 Projects List – September Edition

Finished 2017 Quilt Projects Finally! I have at least one finished project! I finished the Peacock and entered it into PIQF. The art quilt is nearly finished, but I can’t put it in the done pile yet. Finished 2017 Non-Quilt Projects While finished quilts are thin on the ground, as you know, I have been … Continue reading “26 Projects List – September Edition”

Quilts, etc: 2017

Carpenter’s Wheel Down the Drain The Peacock For all projects and process check out my 2017 posts.

San Mateo County Fair 2017

The Fair is held in June and with the YM’s broken ankle and a big new client, it took me awhile to get this post together. Here it is. I was tempted to call this post 4 Entries, 4 Prizes, but I thought that might a bit too much self congratulation. It is true, however. … Continue reading “San Mateo County Fair 2017”

Carpenter’s Wheel Top Finished

A few weeks have gone by since I finished this top. I am not sure why I didn’t post it, but I am now. The piece, as I have said a million times is HUGE. This means that it is hard to photograph. It further means that you get a glimpse of some of the … Continue reading “Carpenter’s Wheel Top Finished”

26 Projects List – July 2017 Edition

Finished 2017 Quilt Projects Still no finished projects quite yet. The Peacock binding is finished almost puts me back in the black in terms of fabric usage. I have to make the sleeve and that should take some yardage as well. My fabric used list is still really suffering from being away from my sewing … Continue reading “26 Projects List – July 2017 Edition”

26 Projects List – June 2017 Edition

Finished 2017 Quilt Projects Still none yet. Still sad, though I am getting the Peacock back soon, which after binding, should put me back in the black in terms of fabric usage. I hope.  My fabric used list is still really suffering from frequent travel, tempting new quilt shops and fabulous fabrics. Finished 2017 Non-Quilt … Continue reading “26 Projects List – June 2017 Edition”

26 Projects List – May 2017 Edition

Well, hello! It has been awhile since I confessed to my UFO and WIP list. February, as a matter of fact. Finished 2017 Quilt Projects None yet. Sad I know. My fabric used list is really suffering. Finished 2017 Non-Quilt Projects 4 Clippy Pincushions Cupcake Pillowcases Dark Blue Journal Cover Gift Basket of various items … Continue reading “26 Projects List – May 2017 Edition”