Color My Quilt WOW

The BAMQG meeting was….sometime in the recent past. I have a lot going on and can’t quite remember. Anyway, one fabulous thing that happened was that Karen M brought her finished ‘Color My Quilt’ piece. I thought it looked fabulous. She talked quite a bit about how she put it together and where she added … Continue reading “Color My Quilt WOW”

ColorPlay: Tableware

I am working on the next Creative Spark, but am not quite finished. I thought I would give you a preview with today’s ColorPlay Inspiration photo. Once again the default was a disappointment. More neutrals. This is a colorful photo and all I get are neutrals. I wonder what the algorithm has against colors? Of … Continue reading “ColorPlay: Tableware”

Various & Sundry 2017 #6

See For Sale Items: fabric, design wall and canvas. Great deals!!! Short but sweet. Blocks, Quilts & Projects I saw a reference to improvisational hashtag blocks on Carol’s blog and took a look. At first I didn’t read ‘improvisational’ correctly. I read it as a weird word related to improving something. Somehow stitching words on … Continue reading “Various & Sundry 2017 #6”

Creativity: Chapter 2

I still want to encourage creativity and creative pursuits in YOU via a regular blog post, so here is another effort using The Little Spark book. A few weeks ago, I posted about the first chapter of The Little Spark and how to start to use this book to spark your creativity. I also reminded … Continue reading “Creativity: Chapter 2”

Creativity: Chapter 1

As I said after the Creative Prompt Project ended, I still want to encourage creativity and creative pursuits in YOU via a regular blog post, but I didn’t want to create any more creative prompts. As I also said, that may change, but for now I am trying different things. I have done a couple … Continue reading “Creativity: Chapter 1”

Creative Prompt #360: Diamond

An American retired professional wrestler, fitness instructor, motivational speaker and actor. diamond in the rough girl’s best friend Hope Diamond drill bit Definition: “In mineralogy, diamond (/?da??m?nd/ or /?da?m?nd/; from the ancient Greek ?????? – adámas “unbreakable”) is a metastable allotrope of carbon, where the carbon atoms are arranged in a variation of the face-centered … Continue reading “Creative Prompt #360: Diamond”

CQFA December 2015 Meeting-ATCs

The meeting on Saturday was long and fabulous. I can’t write one post on all that happened. It is too much to include. We had a short business meeting, then everyone put their challenge and workshop pieces up and we all walked around and looked at them. While this was happening, some of us exchanged … Continue reading “CQFA December 2015 Meeting-ATCs”

Book Review: Personal Geographies

Personal Geographies: Explorations in Mixed-Media Mapmaking by Jill K. Berry I bought this book because of Maureen and Nancy and their work in creativity. I am also interested in mixed media – in doing mixed media projects, but don’t have the space right now, so I don’t do much. I carried this book around for … Continue reading “Book Review: Personal Geographies”

Creative Prompt #323: Honey

sweetheart or endearment National Honey Board Honey badger Twigs & Honey – Bridal headpieces, wedding headpieces, hair vines, crystal halos, bridal headbands, crowns, tiaras, bridal combs, bridal hairpins, silk flowers, bridal hair. Honey Week – NYC – A weeklong, citywide festival celebrating the honeybee, NYC Honey Week 2015 merges the educational, the entertaining, and the … Continue reading “Creative Prompt #323: Honey”