Mull over these photos from the weekend. Check back, I may annotate them. Until then, make up your own stories!
1. 2.
The photos above are of a tuffet. The pattern is sold through Quiltworks Northwest in Bellevue. I took the photo in order to see better how to make it. I urge you to buy the pattern.
4. Coneflowers, or echinacea, which I feel in love with over the weekend. Yes, I have seen it before, but somehow they struck me. I may have to plant them in my garden.
5. Sideways sunflowers. I am not sure if I get enough sun in my garden to grow sunflowers, but I may have to try.
6. 7.
Two packs of Denyse Schmidt fabric.
9. Some of the fabric which was purchased during the Seattle weekend. Once again, St. JCN came to my rescue and the fabric came home washed and ironed.
The Little Footstool
Once upon a time there was a little footstool. It lived all by itself on a shelf, unused. It was lonely. So so lonely. At night it dreamed of being adopted by a family, brought home, and strung with pretty lights and garlands. It dreamed of presents underneath it’s little wooden feet…. wait a minute. That’s the Little Fir Tree. Wrong story.
Once there was a lady named Jaye who made an adorable little footstool for her bestest friend Laume.
The End.
that “tuffet” is WAY too fabulous! when are you gonna make it, huh? huh?
we have echinacea in our backyard. one plant is delightfully happy. the other one, not so much. not sure why. and what is the 3rd flower? the one after the sunflowers?
the fabrics you purchased are very pretty.
Dear Laume,
I will be happy to get one of the patterns for you and we can make them long distance together.
Dear Mother of Rhys and Irene,
DH and I are planning to make the tuffet together. He will do wood and nailing bits and I will do the fabric bits. I will probably have to go and buy all the materials as well. I might convince him to make two of them as our living room is long and large and one will never be enough. We can’t do any of this will all the big smelly men in the house. All of our hobby supplies are tucked away away fromt he dust and dreck. Soon, we hope.
I don’t know what that flower is. We took a picture of it to try and identify, but I never did. Perhaps St. JCN did and will tell me, in which case I will tell you!