Block-a-Long #5: 9 Patch

9 Patch
9 Patch

Like this 9 Patch? I am pretty happy with the color combination. I love that aqua fabric and wish I had bought more. Oh well. Fortunately there is always more fabric.

As you can see, I have included a large print in this block. This is a demonstration of a large print working in this project.

This block is suitable for 2, 3 or 9 fabrics. Think about the look you are seeking.

Note from the Management: Please comment, letting me know if you would like this project to continue or if you really don’t care. Thanks.

ATCs from CQFA

The other day I wrote about the CQFA meeting and the activities in which we participated. I finally processed all the photos. They aren’t great, because there were a lot of people swapping this time. I came into the room late and everyone was ready to go, so I had to be quick about the photography.


I picked the 2d one from the right. I liked the spiral.

Very Picnic-y
Very Picnic-y

I don’t remember who made these, but they were made from oilcloth.


Maureen doesn’t usually make sets. I got one of hers as well: the one in the upper left hand corner.

Bron & Sue
Bron & Sue

I would have loved one of Bron’s paper dolls, but they went quickly!


I also missed out on Julie’s. Hers had some plastic covering some loose art materials.


Virginia also made a bunch for the show.


Dolores always does fabulous work. I picked the one shown in the bottom left hand corner. I love her beading.

Sue - detail
Sue - detail

I was able to choose one of Sue’s as well. The one on the far left now lives at my house. she used a great technique. I wish I could remember the name. She might show us how to do it at an upcoming retreat.


Nobody really liked mine – or else everyone else’s were such high quality that my shaving cream marbling technique was overshadowed. I don’t know. I don’t think mine were crappy.

Creative Prompt #86: Lines

Note from the Management: Please comment on whether or not you would like to see this project continue and why. Thanks.

Definition: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A representation of one line segment

Three lines — the red and blue lines have the same slope, while the red and green ones have same y-intercept.

In Euclidean geometry, a line is a straight curve. When geometry is used to model the real world, lines are used to represent straight objects with negligible width and height. Lines are an idealization of such objects and have no width or height at all and are usually considered to be infinitely long. Lines are a fundamental concept in some approaches to geometry such as Euclid’s, but in others such as analytic geometry and Tarski’s axioms they enter as derived notions defined in terms of more fundamental primitives such as points.

A line segment is a part of a line that is bounded by two distinct end points and contains every point on the line between its end points. Depending on how the line segment is defined, either of the two end points may or may not be part of the line segment. Two or more line segments may have some of the same relationships as lines, such as being parallel, intersecting, or skew.

Stand in line

Queue up

Nazca Lines

Laugh lines

United Van Lines

Flight lines

freight lines

Fault lines

Atomic Line List

Bus line

Some lines from Wordsworth:

.... Are clad in one green hue, and lose themselves
      'Mid groves and copses. Once again I see
      These hedge-rows, hardly hedge-rows, little lines
      Of sportive wood run wild: these pastoral farms, ....

Train line

Check in line

Reading Between the Lines

Fly Lines

Home Equity Lines of Credit

Product lines

Fabric lines

Coloring outside the lines

long lines

Paragraphs, lines and phrases

On the line

Walking the line

“I walk the line” by Johnny Cash

Subject line

T1 line

Life lines

Security line

Grocery line

50 Yard line

Goal line

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

A line of poetry

Opening lines

width of a line

Greyhound Bus Line

Norweigian Cruise Line


Pick up Lines

Shipping Line


Safety lines

Slack lines

Sketching #84

CPP Response #84: Crimson
CPP Response #84: Crimson

CPP Response #84: Crimson

Yes, that tablecloth isi replaced the photo so you could see the crimson. Not sure what was going on with the lighting in the original photo.

See the original prompt for more information.

Not AGAIN!!!

I am lusting after yet another fabric bundle from Birch Fabrics. All I have to say is:

WHY??? Why does Cynthia do this to me?

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Fabricworm Custom Bundle, Beach Berry 11 Total

Fabricworm Custom Bundle, Beach Berry 11 Total

Product Description

Fabricworm Custom Bundle, Beach Berry 11 Total

(click image for a larger, better view)

Each 1/2 Yard Measures 18″ x 44/45″

You Will receive a 1/2 Yard of Each:

Alexander Henry Brook Pink
Sandi Henderson Meadow Dot Geranium
Sandi Henderson Henna Garden Persimmon
Robert Kaufman Kona Solid Coral
Riley Blake Love Birds Leaves Cranberry
Robert Kaufman Kona Solid Rich Red
Kei Japan La Vie En Rose Floral Teal
Robert Kaufman Kona Solid Lagoon
Riley Blake Love Birds Leaves Blue
Riley Blake Love Birds Cheery Circles Blue

Riley Blake Love Birds Mini Dots Blue
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Book Review: Patchwork Souvenirs of the 1933 World’s Fair (update)

Patchwork Souvenirs of the 1933 World's FairPatchwork Souvenirs of the 1933 World’s Fair by Merikay Waldvogel

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love history of quiltmaking books because of the stories of the people. This book is one of the reasons I always put labels on my quilts. I also like looking at the old patterns and thinking about people making some of the patterns with crazy angles.

Update 9/20/2010: The University of Nebraska at Lincoln International Quilt Study Center now has a vidcast up that talks about this book and recent discoveries of additional quilts. Merikay Waldvogel narrates the vidcast and shows photos of quilts found after the book was published. She also tells stories and scandals about the makers and the quilts. Well worth a listen. I found it on iTunes.

View all my reviews

Zig Zaggy Top Done?

Zig Zaggy Top Minus Border
Zig Zaggy Top Minus Border

This project was, in some respects, all about the fabric and using a whole line of fabric. However, it became more about the piecing as I worked through the rows. It was a pleasant challenge to cut, press, sew, press, trim sew and press. I was able to use the bias to put the rows together so the colors would match. I think it looks nice.

I kept the bias and the softness of the Moda Jelly Roll strips under control with Mary Ellen’s Best Press.

You cannot see the edges because I had to take the picture at an angle. I even stood on my desk and wasn’t tall enough to snap the top straight on.

I want you to see the edges, because I want your opinion on what I should do for the borders.

First, I am only applying a border to two sides. The other two sides have a slightly angular edge and I want to keep that as a design element.

Second, I am not much into chopping off edges, even if that is the piecing pattern. I prefer self bordering my quilts, which finishes out the design from the middle. This is a different kind of quilt, which makes me think self bordering isn’t possible here.

Third, if self bordering is possible, I don’t know that I have the patience.

Fourth, the spiky border, a la Gwen Marston, seems to too spiky for this piece.

Zig Zaggy Edges
Zig Zaggy Edges

In the second photo, you can see the two edges, where the color ends abruptly, that I will border. My first thought is to sew some strips of Kona Snow on them and then add soem color somehow. Fan like elements, perhaps?

Finally Live!!!

No Scrap Too Small is finally live. I fell out of my chair when I received the email, which is why it has taken me awhile to post about it.

It has a lovely light and airy theme. There is lots of white space and a wonderful stack of gorgeous fabrics on the September 19, 2010 post.

I look forward to seeing more posts. Stop by and say hi. Enjoy.

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No Scrap Too Small

thinking out loud in Seattle

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Tanya Whelan for Grand Revival Designs Bags

Did I say I need to stop buying tote bag patterns until I make some bags from the patterns I already have? I have resolved to do that.

However, I have never seen this designer or her bags and I really like them. Perhaps just one tiny pattern? Hhhmmm.

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More from Birch Fabrics

I should not look at the FabricWorm blog. Everytime I go there I want to buy more fabric. I am still washing fabric from my big trip. Sigh.

I love this selection of half yards. Isn’t it gorgeous?

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Fabricworm Custom Quilt Bundle Grassy Garden 12 Total
Patty Young Dandelions Turquoise
Robert Kaufman Kona Solid Cactus
Michael Miller Dinky Dots Gray
Laurie Wisbrun Chairs in a Row Grass
Robert Kaufman Quilter’s Linen Aqua
Laurie Wisbrun Couches Grass
Michael Miller Daisies Gray
Laurie Wisbrun Bird Chain Grass
Robert Kaufman Pure Organic Solids Gray
Laurie Wisbrun Birds and Chairs Grass
Michael Miller Dinky Dots Lime

Michael Miller Quarter Dot Gray
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More Zentangles

I tried really hard not to get caught up in the Zentangles movement. I can no longer avoid it. Some of the work being done is phenomenal and it makes me so appreciative of QuiltRat who regularly shares her doodles with us as part of the Creative Prompt Project. Go to the Zentangles blog to see more fabulous work, including Zentangles quilts.
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Quilt Surprise

You can see more of Pat’s quilting at her website.
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Creative Prompt #85: Awaken

Become alert

Leave sleep behind

Mac OS software

AWAKEN: Afghan Women’s and Kids’ Education & Necessities

Wake up

Become enlightened

Definition: cause to become awake or conscious (

Post the direct URL (link) where your drawing, doodle, artwork is posted (e.g. your blog, Flickr) in the comments area of this post. I would really like to keep all the artwork together and provide a way for others to see your work and/or your blog.

The Creative Prompt Project, also, has a Flickr group, which you can join to  post your responses. I created this spot so those of you without blogs and websites would have a place to post your responses.

CQFA Saturday

The past weekend seems like a zillion years ago. I have been across the country and back for work, had so many meetings, I had to arrange for my mom to attend one of them since I can’t be in two places at once. I know some of you think I can and I hope I haven’t shattered your illusions.

Frances, of the Off Kilter Quilt, talked about the first week of school and how exhausted she was. Our Young Man has been in school since August 25 and I feel like I live there, in addition to my work and quilt life. There isn’t enough of me to go around. Bleah.

CQFA is usually a great break with wonderful women, fabulous show and tell inspiration and, lately, great workshops. We are organizing a quilt show (~March 5-July 7, 2011) and I am the instigator of this endeavor, so how I feel is ALL MY FAULT. I started it. This is a professional event with a curatorial staff, professional signage, artists reception and symposium to go with the show. We spent a good portion of the meeting talking about the various committees, names for the show, copyright, lawyers and all other ephemera associated with a quilt show. I am thankful that everyone is interested and I am not alone in the organization, but the whole presentation sucked what little life there was left in me out.

The meeting didn’t give me the boost that it normally does and it wasn’t because of the show organization. It was me and the crazy schedule I had last weekend: CQFA, soccer, dinner, various school related functions. It was too much and I couldn’t get out of any of it.

My great sadness of CQFA was that the awesome Sonja was signed up to give a class and I had to leave part way through it. 🙁 She had me get out my kid watercolors and paint, which was fun and may have broken some barrier I had about using those watercolors. They are Crayola watercolors for kids, so I should have no hang ups, but I do.

I signed up for Carla Sonheim’s Drawing Silliness class (not sure of the exact name) and was pleased to find out that Sonja signed up for it as well. Perhaps I am not a complete lunatic.

We traded ATCs and mine were the last men standing. I have to admit that I liked the process when I did it at A Work of Heart, but they weren’t very successful in general. Oh well, not every piece can be a masterpiece. I have photos of the others, but I haven’t done anything with them yet, so look for a post on them later.