Remember I said that the CPP will continue? I need some people to play with on this project. That means you!
I am going to offer some creativity prizes, so what is holding you up? Do you need a pep talk?
Rules: Anyone who posts a response to any of the prompts between now and the post for prompt #111 will be entered for a prize. Yes, I know it is end of school and vacation time. If you do a response to any prompt (there are 110), you will get into the drawing. Anyone who gets a friend to do a response will get two entries. You have some drawing friends, right? Poets? Mixed media artist friends? Thread painters? Photographers? Sign them up. BTW, all rules are subject to change at my discretion.
These will not be quilt related prizes, but creativity related prizes.
Were you planning to wait until the last minute? Please don’t wait until the last minute. My life will be better if you don’t. Do your response NOW and post the link in the appropriate comments section.
Do a little scribble response. It will be quite freeing.