Ring a Day: 700 Photos from a 365 Day Jewelry Challenge by Marthe Le Van
This is a book by Marthe Le Van that I received for free to review from Lark Crafts. The first paragraph sums this book up very well. Le Van writes “When I hard that a group of jewelers was creating one new ring per day for an entire calendar year, three thoughts immediately came to mind — This is brilliant! This is completely mad! Where do I sign up?”
Some of the most creative works come out of projects that are brilliant or mad and the Internet helps by making such projects global. The project ended up with 1600 images of rings and the book contains 700 of them.
The book is small in format, easy to carry around; a nice workbook type size. The photos are on the small side, but not tiny. The book is arranged like a daily calendar and some of the rings fit in with the day. For example, for New Year’s Day (January 1) there is a ring made from a champagne cork. I like the fact that there is just enough text in this book. There are not long essays on jewelry making, but salient quotes from the artists. I think these quotes can be used by quiltmakers to gain inspiration. A simple quote that struck home was from Victoria Lynn Takahashi who said “Sometimes a girl just has to play. (pg.15)”
I noticed that entries recounted family projects where people had gathered, someone suggested they all make rings and the entire family sat around making them (pg.69).
I think the great part of this book is the message of inspiration: you can make a work every day; you can make a work from things on hand, you don’t need to shop; making a lot of small work enhances your chances for creating a masterwork; practice makes perfect.
I love this quote from Shannon Conrad ‘The hardest part of making a ring a day was just that — you have to make a ring EVERY day. There was no break. It was relentless. (pg.11)”
Even if you are not a jewelry maker, take a look at this book. Take a look at the shapes and materials and be inspired by them.
Thanks to Leah Eagel from Sterling Publishing for sending me this book