August 1 marks the beginning of the long slow slide to Christmas for me. I know you are running away and screaming ACK! when you hear that (except for those of you who don’t celebrate and are just sitting back and laughing right now), but it is true. I am working away on gifts for Christmas after learning that it is much better to get them done early rather than staying up until the crack of dawn on the 23rd. I am not as organized as Quiltin’ Jenny, but I am getting better!
I finished two more of the Jane Market Totes over the long weekend. I made some progress while my main machine was in the shop since it doesn’t matter much about consistent seam allowances (between machines) on these bags.

I know they look the same. I used all the same fabrics for the outsides, but they really are two different bags. I have 4 more to make. I inadvertently counted Grama’s Birthday gift as one of the Christmas gifts. Oops!
I also remembered to box the corners on these, which I am really happy about. Not sure why I had the mental block on that, but, perhaps it is over?