I have wanted to make a Chubby Charmer for my sister-in-law for a long time. I have a Kate Spain Good Fortune charm pack that I have been saving for the purpose. Yesterday was the day to start it.
I went over to Tim’s to drop off a donation quilt he will quilt and enter into the Fair. Before I left he suggested we sew. I had some bag project materials ready to go from last time we sewed, so I threw those in my bag, stopped to get some lunch and off I went.
Chubby Charmers require 48 squares. I neglected to bring the extra fabric needed for the last 6 squares. Still, I was able to cut pockets and handles and ‘baste’ one side to Soft & Stable, so it is ready to quilt. Yes, I have to quilt again. I hope it won’t screw up my shoulder again.
I know this is another project that I am starting, but I am pretty sure I can get through it quickly. SIL’s birthday is in a couple of weeks and I am pretty busy between now and then. I need to get it done before that.