I updated the Color Strip Donation Quilts page.
Fabric, Supplies, Notions & Tools
Carrie Bloomston has a new fabric line for Windham. The prints have similar themes to previous lines, so the fabrics will go together. I like the woven design in Midnight. I also like the triangular collage motifs.
Modern Handmade has remade their subscription box program to go with their new virtual sewing studio. this means that after two boxes, I am out of luck. Well, I tried to subscribe. A friend, Jeff Rutherford, asked me if I knew of any other modern subscription boxes, so I went looking. You can actually find quilt subscription boxes by searching Google. Below is a list of a few I found plus approximate prices. Hello Subscriptions seems to have a list. Please note that I have not tried these out, so check out the links yourself. YMMV:
- Cotton Cuts has a variety of boxes/subscriptions. One is mystery FQ Bundle and another is an Aurifil club ($19). There is also a modern box ($36).
- Cratejoy’s Patchwork Parcel ($40)
- The Fat Quarter Shop has a variety of clubs, including the two listed separately. They have a modern box ($30)
- Kaffe Collective Quarterly Fan Club from the Fat Quarter Shop ($55)
- Pink Door has a few clubs as well, but they haven’t announced the new fabric clubs for 2020 yet (pandemic anyone?).
- Quilty Box ($46.00)
- Sew Sampler (Sandy has a post about this box and the contents on her blog from a few days ago) is $25/month, but you have to join the waiting list as the club is full. Check through Sandy’s blog to see what she has gotten in the past.
- The Sewciety $48 – seems to be more sewing that quiltmaking.
- Maker’s Mercantile Hat of the Month $27/month – this is a knitting box of the month.
I think the Modern Handmade box that I talked about, and to which I briefly subscribed, was unique. In looking at the boxes above, I didn’t see anything like it.
I never heard of Bloomerie Fabrics, but I like their website.
Road Home Quilting has a nice selection of products at her Society6 store. She also has fabrics at Spoonflower.
I forgot about QuiltHome. I think this shop is run by a librarian. They have a great selection of fabric.
Exhibitions, Lectures & Collections
At the Smithsonian, “the National Quilt Collection, part of the Division of Home and Community Life’s Textile Collection at the National Museum of American History, had its beginnings in the 1890s.” This article discusses the collection’s beginnings, the nature of the collection and, by extension, quilts in general. There are a few embedded videos. “The Division of Home and Community Life continues its long term mission to maintain and develop research-based collections that document and preserve American stories through family, community, biographical/individual oral histories and other materials. ”
Have you seen Amy Butler’s Blossom? It is available online for free and the photos are gorgeous.
“The Frick Collection, in New York, has distinguished itself with “Cocktails With a Curator” and “Travels With a Curator,” online programs so engaging and informative that many of us hope they will continue after the galleries reopen. (All episodes of both series are available on the Frick’s website and YouTube channel. Episodes of “Cocktails” have their premieres at 5 p.m. on Fridays; new episodes of “Travels” become available to museum members at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, and to the general public after the initial showing.)” (from a Wall Street Journal article*)
The Sisters Quilt Show will be online this year.
Quilt artist Chawne Kimber will be giving a Zoom lecture entitled, ‘When the Cotton is High: Social Justice and Textiles’ on Saturday July 25, 11-12:30 Pacific Time. Suggested fee is $25. Net proceeds will be divided between Black Lives Matter, the Social Justice Sewing Academy and Third Street Alliance (a shelter in Easton PA). For more details go to tatter.org (Thanks to Patti!)
Join the Mancusos for Online Quilt Festival (#OLQF) August 12-15, 2020 on Quiltfest.com.
Visit the Louvre from your living room.
I originally saw the notice for the Rosie Lee Tompkins exhibit at the Berkeley Art Museum in the Wall Street Journal. I read the very extensive article and think I understand her work a little better. By the end of the article, I wanted to be inside her mind. “Rosie Lee Tompkins (1936–2006) is widely considered one of the most brilliant and inventive quiltmakers of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Her reputation has grown to the point where her work is no longer considered solely within the context of quilting, but celebrated among the great American artistic achievements of our time.” The catalog for the exhibit is not (no longer??) available, but I signed up for a notification when it is available again.
Projects, Patterns & Tutorials
I have tried a number of different ways to keep my sewing machine foot pedal in its place. I saw a project that might do the trick.
Modern Handmade has a new program, which replaces their subscription box program, called Modern Quilter’s Studio. You can join at one of three levels. The 3rd level includes a subscription box. This program also includes video instructions (perhaps, classes), a private Facebook group and blocks of the month.
The Social Justice Sewing Academy has a free block of the month program.
Kitty Pearl of Road Home Quilting talks about the Quilting Hub, a listing of online classes that launched on July 1. They have lists of shops and publish the Quilter’s Travel Companion**.
Need to install a magnetic snap. Find a tutorial on So Sew Easy. See all of her tutorials (very interesting selection) on one tutorials page.
Color Girl Quilts has a series of sampler block tutorials. Sharon also has videos to go along with the tutorials.
Need a Summer QAL? In French? Just for you: Quilting Patchwork Applique’ Summer QAL. It’s also in English. 😉
Face Masks
- Breathable mask video
- Face Mask with a visor tutorial (2-fer!)
- No Sew Face Mask using an upcycled t-shirt tutorial
Companies are also starting to sell masks as part of their fashion lines:
- James Perse masks and bandana type face coverings
- Karla Colletto masks ($26-30)
- Mask article* including Mask Club
- MaskClub has licensing deals with Hello Kitty and NASA and Batman, among others
Other Artists
Carol Lyles Shaw now has online classes.
My mom updated her blog!!! I am so excited. Go take a look and leave a comment. You can follow by email, too!
Bode has a lot of great ideas for freshening up your wardrobe. The prices are ridiculous, though, so I thought makers could get inspiration and do the work themselves.
For some work related issue, i went on to the James Perse site. I noted the face masks for sale above, but I also looked at their tote bag selection. The cost for a basic canvas tote bag with NO pockets, key clip or anything is $250! Granted the Loma slouchy canvas tote has great shape, but $250 ($350 for the large!)! Celine has a grocery tote for $1250! It is a nice tote, but $1250! You are all undervaluing your bags! I suppose people are paying for the name. Still, I need bags with pockets, even a basic bag needs at least one pocket.
In reading the NYT, I read about Tissuni. Tissuni is a collective of seamstresses from the various fashion houses. They got together during the quarantine in Paris and made masks for free for essential workers. Now they are working their amazing sewing skills for more simple designs.
*Check your local public library for access if you don’t have a subscription
**I use affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.