I wanted to show you more of the details of the scissor cozies I made last month at the request of SueS. I wrote a little about the reasons and showed all of the cozies together in a previous post.

First, I wanted Cyndi’s to match the Oslo tote I made her in a swap a year or so ago. I rummaged around and found some similar fabric.
I couldn’t remember if I added a D-ring to the Oslo tote and I didn’t see one in the photos on the post about that bag. Too bad, but I am sure she can find something on which to clip it.

Next, I wanted to use my Wunderlabels, so I got those out and figured out placement.
As an aside, I really like those Wunderlabels. They are elegant and as long as I remember to sew one on, they work great. I am pretty sure I will buy more when I run out.

Third, I wanted to use the Advent labels as well. Pouches are the perfect project for these fun labels and I think the recipients would appreciate them.
I did a lot of prep, which you know I think seems like a waste of time. The day I worked on these, however, I tried to have a different attitude. I tried to think of the prep as another step in getting the pouch finished. I finished sewing that day in a much better mood and feeling like I had accomplished something rather than being frustrated that I hadn’t accomplished enough.
The cozies in general came out very well and I am pleased.