I am so appreciative of how generous people were to me for the Christmas holidays. You saw the gifts I made. I was equally bestowed with beautiful items.

I received these lovely things when we went out to our, now annual, I think, Holiday Lunch.
Carrie made the scissor cozy and I have been using it a lot. It is perfect for my To Go bag. I can always find a sharp pair of fabric scissor a convenient pair of paper (and other non-fabric) scissors. Additionally, the non-fabric scissors are turquoise! That is a totally added bonus.

I have several pair of my own scissors, but the new Ginghers fit nicely into the cozy. I might need to make some of those cozies. I also have to get Carrie to show me her KamSnap technique. That KamSnap is securely attached to the fabric in a way I have never been able to achieve with my KamSnap device**. I prefer the SnapSetter. However, since I have the thing, I want to be able to use it. Carrie doesn’t know it yet, but she and I are going to have session at some point.

SueG also gave some lovely things. One is a fat quarter pack of Tilda fabrics. I always look at these fabrics, but never buy them. This little pack is a nice treat. I like the colors a lot. No, I don’t know yet what I will do them, but bag linings keep flashing into my mind. This is a ridiculous notion as you know I like my bag linings to be light colored. We’ll see.

I received a small package a few days before Christmas from Gerre who sent me the most adorable ornament as well as two tea towels.
The tea towels fit with the color scheme of my kitchen and I like the design. They look slightly in the Pennsylvania Dutch style. I like the simple design and by simple I mean that there is only one design on each towel.

I received a fat quarter and a ironing ruler as well. This is something that I can really use as many bag patterns say to iron a seam over by a certain measurement.
I don’t think I knew this type of tool existed, but I am certainly happy with it.
The fat quarter is a print that is one of my favorites. I love those large poppies. I might use it to make a Hackney for myself. I used it for an Andalusian pouch for Megan. I don’t need more fabric, but I can always use it. 😉

DH and I only bought a few gifts for each other, because we bought a couple of large gifts for the house recently.
I actually received two of the Scrappiness is Happiness** books. I think I will finally have enough WonderClips**! I still haven’t received my order of rotary blades from LP Sharp. There was a problem with my order, so I am glad to have received a new replacement pack of 45mm blades**.

Finally, Friend Julie and I had our annual NYE dinner where we exchanged Christmas gifts.
She was reading my mind. I really wanted the Sew Tites EPP Palette and she got me one. I can’t wait to try it out!
The foot pedal mat is already in use. For the first time in YEARS, my sewing machine foot pedal is staying put.
I also really want to read about how the New Deal affected quiltmaking, so A New Deal for Quilts** is a welcome addition to my library.

Last but not at all least is a gift from Amanda. I know the pie cookbook isn’t exactly quilt related, but quiltmaking goes so much better with pie. The fabric is wonderful and I have to think of something awesome to do with it.
I feel so fortunate to have such lovely family and friends give me such lovely gifts.
**N. B. : Obviously, you should shop at local quilt shops and small businesses. However, if you are too busy or can’t find what you need there, I use Amazon affiliate links and may be paid for your purchase of an item when you click on an item’s link in my post. There is no additional cost to you for clicking or purchasing items I recommend. I appreciate your clicks and purchases as it helps support this blog.