SHH Gift Box

SHH Gift Box -initial open
SHH Gift Box -initial open

I bought this Sew Hungry Hippie Surprise Gift Box for myself. I wasn’t disappointed. While most of these subscription type boxes are not ideal, they can be quite fun and this one was.

It was STUFFED  with various self care items.

The picture on the left is what I saw when I broke the seal keeping the box closed through the mail.  Natalie of SHH, has a fun 1960s flower theme going on her packing materials.

SHH Gift Box - top layer
SHH Gift Box – top layer

I wanted to open the box in layers so I could see everything the team put in. The first layer was Caramel Sea Salt popcorn and some zippers.

I haven’t tried the popcorn yet, but I like the idea that it is a small batch manufacturer. (N.B. Writing about this is making me want to eat the popcorn!)

At this point I saw a lot of little items peeking through and I was eager to open more.

SHH Gift Box - 2d layer
SHH Gift Box – 2d layer

Once I took the Caramel Sea Salt popcorn out of the box, there was a lot to see!

There were a couple of zippers, a notebook, a Swiss Army type knife some iron cleaner, a charm pack and lots of little items I couldn’t identify at this point.

The colors are hot! Lots of pink, orange and red. Lovely, especially since it has been rainy and cold here.

SHH notepad - inside
SHH notepad – inside

The little notebook (notepad?) is really cool. I like that it has a spot for Post-it notes. I use them all the time, so having them handy in my handbag will be useful. I took out my previous notepad and replaced it with this one.


Each time I took something out, I could see more fun items.

The box included a lot of self care items,  an iridescent ruler, some zipper pulls, a lapel pin and some fabric and vinyl. The vinyl is printed with a flower motif. It might be fun to use the Hemingway pattern with that vinyl. We’ll see.

Life has been a little hard lately, so this was a fun gift to myself.