You might remember the pajama pants that the YM made when he was visiting in the spring. Right after he left I was given a robe pattern. Carrie suggested the YM might want to use the pattern to make a matching robe. I decided that I would make him a robe for Christmas. I went out and bought more of the fabric (Tarot flannel from Joann) and started it in October while I was in Portland. I got stuck and put it all away. I needed more fabric, though I thought I had originally bought enough. This is what happens to me when I try to sew garments! Also, I used the pattern Carrie gave me rather than the pattern I used a long time ago to make a robe for my SIL#4. I must have given it away.
Anyway, I got help from MaryC. She basically finished the robe for me in about 2 hours while I entertained her. She is a master garment maker and I always appreciate her help.