Old Town: Not Much Progress

I am behind on Bonnie Hunter’s Old Town Mystery Quilt, but trying not to stress. I thought I would get more done at Sew Day than I did. As much as I love Sew Days, it isn’t a good environment when I am trying to concentrate. I am also trying to remind myself there is a LOT of piecing in Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilts and I’ll get there.

Friend Julie has made really good progress. Pam is, of course, up to date.

Old Town, Clue 1 in process
Old Town, Clue 1 in process

I did sit down on Saturday and Sunday and really work on various pieces. I decided to focus on Clue 1, so I could at least say that I was finished with one clue.

I am making progress on the Flying Geese, though I haven’t made many. One thing I had to do was figure out what pieces and parts I needed to make a set of four Flying Geese. That took a little time. I really got going once I reacquainted myself with the steps. It was helpful that I had already cut the pieces I needed. The picture above is my progress on Saturday. I had other stuff I needed to do, like make gift bags, so I couldn’t focus on this project all day.

Old Town Clue 2: Four Patches
Old Town Clue 2: Four Patches

I pressed some of the strips sets for Clue #2 that I made at Sew Day and was able to make a few of the Four Patches.

Hooray for progress.