Towards Final Bullseye Arrangement

After magnificiently struggling with the layout for the Bullseye, I believe I have settled on a shape I can live with and one that is successful. The difference between this and the others I have done is that the ‘knots’ I have created are self contained. I keep thinking of them as Lovers’ Knots, but … Continue reading “Towards Final Bullseye Arrangement”

Book Review: The Quilter’s Companion

The Quilter’s Companion: The Complete Guide to Machine and Hand Quilting by Katharine Guerrier My review on Goodreads Deirdre (… sent this book to me as a byproduct of clearing out her studio. The subtitle kind of says it all about the content of the book, but it doesn’t tell you what great photos the … Continue reading “Book Review: The Quilter’s Companion”

I Didn’t Realize I Did Do Something!

Normally, I like to give my posts their day in the sun – the one time in their life when you will see them and only them first. Today isn’t one of those kind of days. A few days ago, I was lamenting the fact that I hadn’t been doing anything sewing related lately except … Continue reading “I Didn’t Realize I Did Do Something!”

Mind Sorbet

The Chocolate Box quilt, which I talked about in the post about the retreat is what is discussed in Judy Martin‘s February 2008 newsletter. Kristin, one of her readers writes: “I agree that there is nothing wrong with fast quilts. In fact, in the past after completing a challenging project, I would often use a … Continue reading “Mind Sorbet”

Quiltmaking By the Sea

Often, I work almost all the time at one of my two jobs or dealing with other non-paid work type tasks. This past weekend, I threw it all aside, took Friday-most of Sunday off and went to a quilt retreat! Hooray! It was great! I spent Friday night, Saturday and a few hours on Sunday … Continue reading “Quiltmaking By the Sea”

Another Post on Various and Sundry

It was very interesting to scan this visual journaling image, because I wanted it to be big so you could see it. I scanned the entire page (from my journal) at 600 dpi and that was too big! It was interesting, however, because I could see the strokes of my pen and that was cool … Continue reading “Another Post on Various and Sundry”