Sketching #28

Creative Prompt Response: Blue
Creative Prompt Response: Blue

I decided to set a good example for all of my faithful CPP participants and create my response right away.

I have to admit that I was tempted to use a previous photo of some blue pieces that will be a quilt.

Here is my response to blue, which incorporates the quilt-to-be that I mentioned above, but is still mostly in the planning and cutting stages

Sketching #26

Creative Prompt Response: House
Creative Prompt Response: House

It is really sad when I just can’t get inspired to do my own creative prompt. I thought house would be a good one. Quilt Rat certainly came up with a fantastic response! I’ll have to keep this one percolating a little bit and, hopefully, come up with another response down the road. On to the next prompt!

Sketching #24

Creative Prompt Response: Remember
Creative Prompt Response: Remember

Creative Prompt Response #24: Remember

I have had memory making on my mind, so this drawing seemed appropriate.

See the original prompt as Friday’s post.

If you want to participate or see other Creative Prompt type projects, see the Inspiration page.

Sketching #22

Creative Prompt Response #22: Time
Creative Prompt Response #22: Time

The first thing I thought of with this prompt was an hour glass. It took me a bit of time to think of a way to incorporate it into the series of drawings on which I have been working.

I have been excited about using the different PITT pens that I bought recently. The tips are different widths. So far my favorite is the Fine. I see, as someone mentioned, how the XS can be great for defining things or adding depth. This is wonderful. I didn’t find it to be great for drawing the whole piece.

One thing I need to improve in my drawing is working with perspective. I didn’t add the right side of the hour glass, but may later after I do a bit of research.

Sketching #18: Moon

Moon #1
Moon #1

I did the first moon prompt response after doing one of the drawings with the facade of the building. I wasn’t terribly happy with it, especially as I did more drawings and became one with my PITT pen.

I have to say that I kind of like doing the same drawing over and over with minor variations. It gives me the opportunity to work through some kind of drawing. I would love to do series of quilts and I have some, but they take so long that I don’t really see it as practical. Of course, I’ll never be bored!

Moon #2
Moon #2

I did a second moon prompt response after I did the sun drawing, because I thought they needed to be a set.

Sketching #17: Here to There

Sketching #17: Here to There
Sketching #17: Here to There

I have been drawing studies in my journal as my designs get more complicated. I also have been doing studies of parts of the drawings as I try to work out the perspective and proportion of elements. In this drawing, I found that I didn’t know how to draw a bicycle. I had to go and look up where the main parts of a bicycle connect to each other before I could draw it.

Sketching #10

Beacon #11
Beacon #11

Ok, girls and boys and I am finally caught up with all of the prompts and I have an idea for an upcoming prompt! Is it fair for me to do prompts ahead of time? Hhmm.. I think that if it gets done, it is all good.

There is an interesting contrast between white space and color in this drawing. I am wondering if the door needs some more detail. Not sure now, but can always go back and add it later. I’ll have to look at some doors and see what I think.

Please contribute. Summer is coming and it will be a great time to be creative.

Sketching #11

Creative Prompt Response to Light (#11)
Creative Prompt Response to Light (#11)

Somehow this story that I seem to be creating is really important. I don’t feel like I am a good enough artist to really do it justice like some of the artists in recent books I have read, but I keep plugging away.

I did a series of the creative prompts all at once listening to music and it was really a different experience. I really got into a creative zone and that felt good.

Sketching #5

Creative Prompt Response: Spring (#5)
Creative Prompt Response: Spring (#5)

This drawing is kind of the culmination of a series of flower doodles that I did in a journal I used in the middle of last year. I got on a flower kick and just couldn’t stop drawing them.

I don’t feel very proficient at some of the technical aspects of the drawings, but it is fun to try and work out the little problems. I am kind of glad I am doing a bit of a series, because I can work out and improve some of the aspects in the later drawings.

I have an idea for a flower/picnic quilt and think that the flowers may be studies for the flowers I will use in that quilt.

I know that all of my sketches are out of order. As a inherently organized person, this is driving me crazy. I can’t, however, with good conscience back date them, so here they are in all their glory.

I think I may be caught up except for Beacon and I have an idea for that one. It is a technique, though and not an image. I really have to check, though to make sure.