Sketching #10

Beacon #11
Beacon #11

Ok, girls and boys and I am finally caught up with all of the prompts and I have an idea for an upcoming prompt! Is it fair for me to do prompts ahead of time? Hhmm.. I think that if it gets done, it is all good.

There is an interesting contrast between white space and color in this drawing. I am wondering if the door needs some more detail. Not sure now, but can always go back and add it later. I’ll have to look at some doors and see what I think.

Please contribute. Summer is coming and it will be a great time to be creative.

Author: Jaye

Quiltmaker who enjoys writing and frozen chocolate covered bananas.

4 thoughts on “Sketching #10”

  1. It is so strange…although you ARE hearing this from ME, so maybe it isn’t strange. When I saw your drawing I thought to myself, “That looks like the cover of a book!” How odd is that? Maybe because I have Terri Thayer on my brain. 🙂
    I have had my drawing done for almost a week but haven’t take the time to post it up yet. Will try to do that soon.
    I like your drawings. They make me think you are illustrating a book.

  2. Sherri: perhaps it will be the cover of a book some day. Hello! Publishers! Are you listening???
    Beena: thank you very much! I am getting better, I think.

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