16 Patch Plus Finished

16 Patch Plus donation quilt
16 Patch Plus donation quilt

I missed the March Guild meeting, but Joelle was kind enough to post the PDF of show and tell. There I found a finished donation top I made in 2020, the 16 patch Plus quilt. It shows up in my 2020 donation quilts and blocks post as well.

I feel so happy when I see the finished quilts which were my tops and backs. Thanks to Lee Ann for quilting it!

Finished Sew Day Donation Top

Sew Day Donation top
Sew Day Donation top

Mary and I did finish the top at Sew Day. I brought it home to make a back and will be handing it in today at the meeting.

I am pleased with how this came out. The ugly bits we started with turned into a really great quilt. It isn’t made from the colors I would normally use, but I am pleased with the result.

I am also pleased with how many of the orphan blocks and chunks we were able to use up overall during Sew Day. Sadly, none of the shards I brought were used. There is always next time.

Mary wants to do another with me next time, which I think will be great fun.

Cathy’s Sew Day Quilt

Cathy's Sew Day Improv top
Cathy’s Sew Day Improv top

Cathy went straight to work almost as soon as we arrived. She brought some of her Pointillist Palette chunks to work with.

I keep looking at this one and seeing different things.

It is great to see other people’s work in the quilts. Two of my donation blocks were included. Cathy also used Joelle’s word chunk from a previous swap.

Sew Day Donation Top In Process

April 2022 Sew Day Design Wall
April 2022 Sew Day Design Wall

I finished cutting out the Friesan pouch at Sew Day and had an hour until it was over. I could have left, but instead Mary C and I decided to work together to make another donation quilt top in an hour. It was a charity Sew Day after all and both of us had been working on our own projects.

Sew Day Donation Top start
Sew Day Donation Top start

We used some fabric from one of the first retreats that had been sewn together into a block of rectangles. It was not very attractive.

The first thing we did was to cut it in half and they cut the halves on the diagonal so we could insert some strips and break up the parts that were unattractive.

Sew Day Donation top 1st steps
Sew Day Donation top 1st steps

Mary C had some strips and strips sets leftover from a quilt she had just finished that we ransacked to make the improvements.

I selected some grey from the abundance of solids that Peggy has and we used that color to fill in other places.

Adding the seafoam green strips REALLY helped that rectangle go from unattractive to attractive. The addition also lightened up the piece.

To make the two halves large enough, we added the strip set and sewed the pieces together.

We decided we wanted to use the ‘bird’ blocks as well. They were mostly made from the same fabrics, so they fit in well. I had to build up the green block, which was not nearly square.

Brown 'bird' chunk
Brown ‘bird’ chunk

Mary sewed the brown bird into a large-ish chunk with the intention of putting on the bottom of the piece. I thought it came out well.

Green bird block built-up
Green bird block built-up

While she did that, I built up the green bird block into a shape we could use. The green strip along the bottom allows that darker green and orange section to float a bit which was a happy accident.

Sew Day Donation Top in process
Sew Day Donation Top in process

Eventually we ended up with several large chunks. We wanted to add those half circle pieces, which took a bit of time to work out.

In this endeavor, Mary did the sewing and some ironing while I trimmed, pressed, matched fabrics, cut strips and brought her stuff to sew. We had to make little bits to allow us to fit the chunks together. There is a freedom in this kind of improv quilt. I happily hacked off pieces of the blocks and chunks to make them fit.

Sew Day Activity

We had a charity Sew Day on 4/2. Often Peggy will provide a pattern, but this time the activity centered around orphan blocks and chunks.

April 2022 Sew Day Design Wall
April 2022 Sew Day Design Wall

Maria had been collecting orphan blocks and chunks for awhile. The first thing she did when she arrived was start pinning them to the design wall.

Maria put up a random assortment of blocks and chunks and people took what they wanted and worked on donation tops.

As mentioned, I didn’t really want to do the activity, but others got right into it. Since I made the Missouri Star donation top and brought it, I didn’t feel guilty about it. Nobody said anything to me either.

Sew Day Donation Top in process
Sew Day Donation Top in process

After I finished cutting out the Friesan Pouch, I ended up working on a quilt with Mary C and found that it was a fun activity. I prefer to do these types of quilts with someone else.

Missouri Star Donation Top/Back

Missouri Star donation top
Missouri Star donation top

I finished the Missouri Star donation top and back on Friday night before Sew Day last week. I wanted to make sure I could give it to Peggy and I just didn’t have time to work on it during the week, even though I thought I would.

Adding the top and back to my Fabric Usage Report put me slightly back into the black, which makes me happy.

Missouri Star donation quilt back
Missouri Star donation quilt back

I am pretty pleased with how it came out. Making a top like this was a good use of that block.

The fabrics I used for the back have been around for a long time. The middle piece is a Moda and I never cut into it. I was thinking that I would use it for something, but since I hadn’t up until now, I went ahead and used it for the back. There’s always more fabric, right?


Rainbow Strip Donation Top

Rainbow strip donation quilt
Rainbow strip donation quilt

I talked about this quilt after I put the design walls back up. I haven’t made all the colors in the rainbow for the Color Strip & Chunk donation quilts, but I have made several. I thought the rainbow quilt would be the crowning glory, but the reality is that I have a lot of stuff on my small design wall and I want it gone or finished. The blocks that were hanging around are now having their turn.

Over last weekend I starting making more strip blocks as I was working on the Cha3 table runner and the Missouri Star donation top. I made a couple of black blocks, the purple blocks you see and that one red-violet block. I am not working on more greys, thought I don’t know if I will need them. I need some green and yellow blocks as well.

March Donation Blocks

I am still making a few of the regular guild donation blocks. I have started work on the next Color Strip Donation top to go with the others. The HST 9 Patch is made from leftovers from the HST Star quilt top. It is larger than the other blocks – 12.5×12.5 rather than 8×8. Peggy said she would do something with it.

Missouri Star Quilt Top

Double Missouri Star
Double Missouri Star

Remember a few months ago when I tried out a Missouri Star block that I had seen on their weekly show?

I like this block, but I did not enjoy making it. I has been hanging on my design wall for months and I wanted to do something with it. For a few weeks I have been thinking of adding another round of star points and making it into a donation top. Over the weekend I did that.

Missouri Star donation top
Missouri Star donation top

I used my Triangle Technique to make HSTs. While this is a great chart, and covers the most used sizes, it doesn’t go up to making 8″ (and larger) units. I guessed about the starting sizes and was a little bit off.

I had to add a little strip to each HST to make them fit. It is not super noticeable and will be fine for a community quilt. Lesson learned.

New Rainbow Color Strip

Color Strip donation blocks
Color Strip donation blocks

I decided to use the leftover improv strip blocks for one donation quilt. I just slapped them up on the design wall so I could see what I had. I will definitely do some kind of colorwash effect in the final layout.

There area lot of colors missing, so I will make some more blocks in the missing colors. I think I need about 28 total blocks to make a reasonable/useful sized quilt.

Finished: Ends n.12: Pop Parade

The long lost and latest addition to my Ends quilt series, Ends n.12: Pop Parade, is finished. I mentioned it the other day in my design wall post. I decided just to make a back and call it done.

Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) donation top and back
Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) donation top and back

Ends n.12 is another in the series of quilts I am making using the cut off edges of quilt backs. This quilt, as mentioned, uses Pop Parade, the never-ending fat quarter pack.

This was mostly done. I had to sew a piece or two on, but mostly I had to make the back.

Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) - back
Ends n.12 (Pop Parade) – back

The back uses the rest of that Italian Restaurant fabric I talked about recently.

This will go to Peggy at the next Sew Day.

See all of the Ends quilt on their own series page.