Column Donation Top Finished

The other day I talked about the column donation top. I was able to finish it fairly simply.

Column donation top - Finished
Column donation top – Finished

The large piece of batik has been burning a hole in my pocket – or whatever the quilt equivalent of that is. I decided to use it for this piece and some of the leftovers on the back. It isn’t an exact match to the turquoise fabrics in the blocks, but I think it works well.

I worried about the Dove block touching the large expanse of blue, but I think it works. I am pleased with the top and am glad to clear up a few leftovers into something that will be useful.

Column Donation Top in Process

Column donation top
Column donation top

Last week I found some extra half square triangles leftover from the Stepping Stones n.2 quilt. Not being able to focus led me to sewing them together randomly. I put a couple of blocks up on the wall and they happened to fall near the Dove block I didn’t use in the Aqua-Red Sampler. Suddenly I had an idea for a donation quilt top.

Column donation top in process
Column donation top in process

Yesterday I worked on it some more. It is nearing completion and I will have a top by the next meeting. I thought I would place the column in the middle, but I don’t have enough of the Pure Elements Snow to do it, so I’ll have to think of something else. I ended up sewing the two pieces of Snow together and sewing them to one side of the column.

This is a very ‘go with the flow’ type piece and not planned at all.

New Pet Bed

Red Peacock Pet Bed
Red Peacock Pet Bed

I have plans to cut up scraps with my Accuquilt Go! on Monday. I figured that I had to have somewhere to put all the schnibbles, so I made a pet bed.

In the past, I have put the schnibbles into the bag I keep clipped to the side of my cutting table. It is, however, nearly full, and why take that interim step? I will probably have enough scraps after my Go! session to fill the whole pet bed. Yay! More comfy pets.

Donation Blocks – August 2018

More donation blocks. I keep making them.

Not as many as last month, but each one counts.

Dot Donation Quilt

Dot Donation Quilt
Dot Donation Quilt

I finished the top over the weekend. I mentioned finding the squares before.

I didn’t assume or hurry and it really went together quickly. It has a light and fluffy sort of look to it.

The squares are about 5.25×5.25, which is a very strange size and really makes me wonder why I cut them. On the other hand, it is a good idea and I could cut 5″ squares and do the same sort of design.

New Donation Quilt

Dotty Squares -Donation Top To Be
Dotty Squares -Donation Top To Be

I found a pile of squares the other week and decided, Sunday, that I would quickly sew them together for another donation quilt. Fortunately, I had 42 and a 6×7 layout is a great size.

I got more than half sewed. It is super easy sewing, so I might get a few seams in here and there during the week.

Dotty Donation Top - half sewed
Dotty Donation Top – half sewed

I hope I don’t remember why I cut these and kick myself for sewing them together in another project. Fortunately there is no shortage of dots on white at my house.

Finished: Green Donation Scarf

Green Scarf
Green Scarf

I finally finished the green donation scarf I have been working on for months. I can’t remember exactly when I started it, but I think it was earlier this year (not last). I bought the yarn at Tuesday Morning on my way to visit MIL.

I started this scarf sometime before April, but after March 1. Before that was the Knight scarf and a hat/cowl set.

Anyway. This one will head to my mom who will use it to make gifts for the women at her local domestic violence shelter.

I’m not sure if I can make another in time to be included in the gift boxes. Let me know if you have a scarf you want to contribute.

Donation Blocks

Outside of the Sisters Retreat, I have had very little time to sew. We have a lot of house stuff to do and we can only do it all on the weekends. None of it involves a sewing machine. :(.

Saturday, we had a party to attend, but I a had time between a haircut and making food for the party to sew a little. I also had almost all day on Sunday, so I got a bit of work done. It was awesome.

I worked on finishing the Ends Donation Quilt n.5, but I also worked on some donation blocks.  Since I haven’t had much time to sew I also haven’t had much time to make donation blocks. I’ll have some time before the next meeting to get a few more finished.

I made the black with the leftover black scraps from the back of the Ends n.5 Donation back. I used the greys as the alternate and I know that isn’t very popular, but it is a good way to make some other people push their own envelopes.

I think I’ll use the aqua block for part of another Spiky Stars donation quilt.

Ends Donation Quilt n.5 Finally!

Ends Donation Top n.5
Ends Donation Top n.5

I finally finished the Ends Donation Quilt n.5. It seemed to take me forever, but as I said yesterday, I haven’t had much time to sew. I spent time arranging the yardage on Saturday. I did a bit of sewing, but mostly just arranging. That helped me finish relatively quickly on Sunday.

I think the borders made this piece look better. It looks more like a picture with a frame. It is so hard to tell when one of these quilts needs a border and when no border is required.

Ends Donation n.5 back
Ends Donation n.5 back

On the back I used some leftover black yardage, some of which is black-multi. Some of these blacks had never been cut into, so it was time to use them for something. Then, I used some of the leftovers from the border.

I haven’t done a leftover batting project yet. We’ll see if I have the time. Whoever quilts it at the guild may only get a back and a top. There might be enough of the back to make a straight of grain binding.

Ends Donation Quilt n.5

Ends donation quilt n.5
Ends donation quilt n.5

This process is going painfully slowly, but I took some time during the week to sew on the last two borders. I think the addition of borders looks good for this quilt. It kind of frames the strips and makes them look like a picture.

As I have said before, I am kind of thrilled that the leavings from backs can become something useful. Yes, I added some half yards of fabric to the dark grey and black leavings. I was going to donate that fabric anyway, so it is a win overall.

I can’t believe I have done five of these quilts so far. There are probably more in my future. You can see them all:

End Donation Quilt n.5

Ends Donation Quilt n.5 - half borders on
Ends Donation Quilt n.5 – half borders on

I kept looking at the latest donation quilt after posting about it last time and feeling like it wasn’t completely finished. I finally decided that it needed a border.

I was kind of surprised, because the Ends n.2 quilt really didn’t need a border. I guess each quilt has its own requirements.

I have put on two of the 4 borders. It has taken me forever it seems, as I haven’t had any time to sew since I returned from Sisters. I’ll get there.

I’ve done five of these quilts so far. You can see them all:

Ends Donation Quilt n.2 Finally

Ends Donation Quilt n.2
Ends Donation Quilt n.2

I saw Tim at the meeting and he had finally finished quilting the Ends Donation Quilt n.2. I wrote about this quilt top last in November. I thought the quilt was done a long time ago and Tim said I had taken several photos, but I can’t remember and can’t find any posts about it after the November post.

Tim did a great job and looks really good. While we are finding another place who will take quilts made by the group, we are saving these for the San Jose mayor’s gun buyback program. Those people who bring guns will also get a quilt.

Ends n.1 quilt

Ends n.3 quilt

Ends n.4 quilt

Ends n.5 quilt

June Donation Blocks

Yes, I am behind in reporting on June. Life is busy and I am heading to a week long quilt retreat with Friend Julie, so I am preparing to have a whole bunch of posts for you to peruse.

It is fun to see all the different blocks I make. I like remembering where the fabric came from and what I used it for.

Donation Blocks turned in at June meeting
Donation Blocks turned in at June meeting

The group of blocks are the blocks I turned in at the June meeting. I know you have seen all of these blocks before, but I thought it would be great to show all of them together.

My donation block production has slowed as my work schedule has ramped up. I am spending less time at the machine, which affects my production. Still, I have money, which is nice. Don’t worry, I am not giving up, but other guild members will have to step up and fill in the gaps.ell

Spiky 16 Patch n.2

Spiky 16 Patch n.2 Top
Spiky 16 Patch n.2 Top

I got up Sunday morning feeling a little sore and slightly disgruntled at my computer still being in the shop.

Fortunately, the Spiky 16 patch blocks were front and center on my design wall and wanted attention.

I found the formula for creating setting triangles and corner triangles and set about doing math and then cutting up squares. Large squares.

After not too long, and only a few cutting errors, the top was finished and I wasn’t as disgruntled. I like the way this turned out and hope someone will get it who really enjoys it.

My SILs said it was sweet.

I have more HRTs, so I will be making more of these blocks. I may more quilts with them, we will see.

Ends Donation Top n.5

In the course of putting away fabric and other supplies from the Stepping Stones n.2 project, I came across some rich looking prints that I didn’t think I would use in a quilt, but would make a great donation quilt. One was an Anna Griffin print from the Bailey line (or perhaps the name of the print was Bailey?). The other had a kind of scrollwork design on it. Both had kind of a blood red background.

Ends Donation Top n.5
Ends Donation Top n.5

I thought these prints would not only go well together, but also with the ends of the Triple Star. Happy to distract myself from tidying, I started in on a new Ends top. I finished the top last night and will make a back soon.