I am pretty happy with the recent magazines and books that have magically appeared in my life recently. I brought several magazines with me to Monterey and read them while I laid in bed.
I recently really and truly gave myself permission to skip over articles even if the magazine cost a lot. As a result I was able to get through 2.5 of these magazines over the weekend.
Stitch (upper left) always draws me in with their cover photos. I really try hard not to buy the issues, but their covers are so gorgeous that I gave in this time. There are a couple of projects I want to make including a two handed hot pad and an apron. I am thinking the hot pad, if the directions are not stupid, would make great gifts.
I had never seen Classic Stitches magazine. It is a UK magazine and that journal cover just blew my mind. I am having a hard time reading the pattern, because I can’t stop looking at the photos, so I can’t tell whether I could make it. There is soldering required and I probably wouldn’t do that part, but I have to try the pattern in general. It might revolutionize my journal cover making, or at least jazz it up.
Love of Quilting was mostly patterns. I did enjoy Gerald Roy’s column on antique quilts and would like it if his publisher would compile a book of those columns. My all time favorite is still his column about the Tea Basket pattern. There are lots of appealing ads in this magazine!

This is what I bought (I think I did anyway) after seeing Gerald Roy’s column on the Tea Basket pattern. I am sure this pattern is in EQ6 (etc) as well. You can buy this pamphlet at the Fig Tree site. Is it a great block? Not easy, but great!
I bought a second issue of the Quilt Life just to see. I am concerned about it having anything new and exciting because the editor is the same as QNM. I probably won’t subscribe, but I’ll read it and see if it is worth another issue. Sometimes I just feel like I need some new quilt info and buy whatever magazines I can find.
The Jane Brocket book is not a magazine, but it came in from The Book Depository. I have not read it yet, but glanced through and noticed it has the Kaffe Fassett styling with lots of old, shabby brick, decrepit walls and peeling paint. There is an obligatory section on how to make a quilt. I’ll tell you later if I find anything of interest. Her writing style is what attracted me. I liked the Gentle Art of Domesticity and was hoping for something like that. The current title was released int he US already and I saw it in Back Porch Fabrics.
Go read and be inspired.