I have been stockpiling new fabric lately for various projects.
The Child and I are going to make pillowcases for the Million Pillow Case challenge that AllPeopleQuilt.com is putting on. I wanted him to do a non-screen related project this summer and he didn’t think of one, so I imposed one on him. He is not excited about sewing, but said if I found some taco fabric, he would make one. I had already bought some cute robot fabric (see below), so he will be making at least two.

I was trying to find some boyish fabric and think the taco fabric is actually better for older boys than the robot fabric. The robot fabric is really cute, though. As of this writing, they have 99,416. Come on, people, make some pillow cases!
All of the food fabric is for the project my mom is working on. She is collecting 6.5″ squares of food fabric for Lil Sissy’s stepson. I probably mentioned this already. Since I told The Child that I would buy him taco fabric I picked up a couple of pieces for my mom’s project as well. We are discussing doing the food project together, but she has to come back from SoCal first.
I am going to use the Day of the Dead fabric to make some blocks for a Christmas gift. What would you think about receiving blocks for a Christmas gift for a project you had been showing on your blog?
I really enjoyed making things for my friends for Christmas last year and would like to do some of that again. Good thing I bought the One Yard Wonders (a sale – YAY!) book. I think I will have to find some projects in there. The projects have to be cute and not stupid. I want them to be useful and nice as well.

You, of course, see tons of dots in this group of new fabrics. Hart’s had a lot of the Dumb Dots (dumb name) by Michael Miller. I love those dots. For me, they are the perfect dots. I wish they would team up with Robert Kaufman and make dots the same colors as the Kona Solids and keep them in the line as staples. Everyone needs a good selection of dots, IMO!
Despite Jane Sassaman’s detailed explanations of how to use her fabric, I only bought the black and whites at her lecture. I really like the one with the spiral and sun motifs, but it came in a bundle. I, of course, already have some of the black and white dots, but one can always use more dots, right?